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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. The question doesn't make a lot of sense. I open the app on my phone when I'm away from my computer, to answer messages and such. In the app, out the app. I'm not "active" on it. Why would I keep it open, to stare at it? Whereas on my computer I have a browser permanently open, with a Fiverr tab permanently open. It's not comparable.
  2. You can't. There's no reason to anyway.
  3. Totally agree. It would be nice to be able to edit gigs from the phone, but creating them doesn't seem to be a good idea.
  4. I think it's the new Pro seller badge, so you get it if you're a Pro seller.
  5. Of course, but most people are not serious about working online. As to laptop vs desktop, they're the same thing, a computer is a computer. My main machine atm is a laptop, and it runs circles around my 27 inch iMac...
  6. Just checked (I don't use dropbox, I find it very slow), and apparently you can't see the e-mail when shared like that - you can, however, see the username if you're logged in, which may or may not be what you want. With a direct link transfer, there's no account in the first place, so it's 100% anonymous. Another factor is that using dropbox you need to keep the file in your dropbox folder, if you delete it (you need space), the person who gets the link can no longer download it. With a direct transfer, you don't need to worry about that.
  7. The trend is the opposite, actually. Everyone had one in the mid 2000's. Now, everyone has a smartphone, a lot of younger people no longer have computers. And a lot of people do their entire lives on the smartphone, and think it is a replacement. As someone who has spent every waking hour in front of a proper computer for decades, it's a bit sad to see, personally.
  8. That makes sense. making a gig from scratch on a phone doesn't make a lot of sense to me, I really need a computer for that. Being able to edit some information on the gig on the app (mainly pricing and packages) would definitely be cool though.
  9. They're not sent via e-mail, but they are a link to your dropbox. Which is connected to your e-mail. Fiverr may allow it, but it's very easy to get your e-mail if I have access to your dropbox, that was my point. Since Fiverr really dislikes that, I would think they would much prefer direct transfer services, where no accounts are involved.
  10. All your gigs are for video editing and motion designed, primarily focusing on Final Cut and Motion. How do you do 90% of your Fiverr work from your phone?
  11. Yes, have a team of 3 people, each taking an 8 hour shift. If you mean one person staying online 24 hours a day, that is a nonsense question.
  12. Dropbox is connected to your e-mail, and Fiverr doesn't want your e-mail to be public. Wetransfer, via the link option, isn't, so it's a safer choice anyway. If you insist on using dropbox, ask support. I just gave you an alternative that works better and should be no issue.
  13. Theoretically, Fiverr allows up to 5gb uploads, but it can be buggy at times. Contact CS and let them know the integrated upload isn't working. If you can't get it to work, for 2GB I would just use wetransfer with the link option, much better than google drive.
  14. When to sell and when to buy. Give me 2 or 3 questions and that would be enough!
  15. You can upload 3 images to your gig directly. Then, you can activate the live portfolio, which will show images delivered to clients as part of their orders. You don't pick those directly, they show up there automatically depending on the orders you complete.
  16. What does it mean to add a deleted fiverr gig to a new fiverr account? You can't "add gigs" to an account.
  17. If you are getting impressions and clicks but no new clients, while you're delivering work that your repeat clients are happy with, I'd say that's a problem with competition - people check your gigs and your competitor's gigs, and end up choosing them. Look into what gigs are selling in your vertical, and see what they're doing differently to be more appealing to new buyers.
  18. The only concrete, objective metric we have is that if your average rating is under 4.7, you'll get a level demotion / won't get a level promotion. That seems to indicate Fiverr expects good seller's average to be above that, which in practice can only be done by having overwhelmingly 5 star reviews, with some 4 star reviews in there. Too many 3 star reviews, for example, will quickly drop your average under 4.7, so I'm not sure that could be considered "positive".
  19. Not to mention you're running the risk of getting a warning for review manipulation. Don't ever contact CS about a review unless it breaks terms of service.
  20. You can only be demoted as long as you have a seller level - if you're a no level seller, nothing will happen.
  21. This will depend on your field of work. For things like writing, internet speed shouldn't be an issue at all, since little data is required. If, on the other hand, you want to work in video or audio production, that will definitely be an issue since file sizes can be very big. If you want to work in a field that requires a lot of bandwidth and there's no coverage where you live, I'd look into a high speed satellite service like starlink, that would be the only workable option.
  22. I don't want to belittle you, and that was not my intention. I don't think I did it at any point either, we just have different visions. I don't think using number of posts as a metric is very useful.
  23. I think that's fine, I'm all for people setting their own prices as they see fit. I only worry about quality requirements to get the badge, lest it get devalued to the point of being meaningless.
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