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Everything posted by vickiespencer

  1. I agree. In addition, I have heard that most of the tests are available online, so if a seller wants to cheat, they could. Therefore, the tests are not that helpful in any regard. Given what I know about how challenging the educational system is in Japan, I wonder what Japan's passing score is. I only took the English proficiency test so I could qualify to offer the services I do, and it was pretty easy, but I see where it would be a challenge for non-native speakers. Did you take the English test @visualstudios?
  2. @uk1000 and @shamim_gorib Here is a screenshot of the reply from CS when I asked why I could not upload my profile video. It looks like gig videos may be different because when I first started on Fiverr 6 years ago, I did have a gig video that was longer. However, when it became outdated, I deleted it. Being in the top 30 percent of a group of sellers who did poorly on the test is not something to be proud of. Would you want a doctor to do surgery on you who understands 60% of what they were taught? I said, "I would consider all but one of OP's test scores to be barely passing." That was the one score. In the educational world, that is considered a B-. A 60% is considered a D- and 59% and below is considered an F. My evaluations were based on those criteria. Stating facts is not the same as putting people down.
  3. You changed this from cute to memorable. I agree with what you said at first after going to your profile and viewing the image of your first delivery. The logo you created was cute!
  4. This is wrong! When I submitted my 65-second video, Fiverr would not take it until it was edited to 59 seconds. Besides what @imagination7413 noticed, I see there is a Google translate tab open as well as a BN to Eng and an Eng to BN tab open. Also, as a teacher, I would consider all but one of OP's test scores to be barely passing. Especially his HTML score! That is almost failing. Please tell me he does not offer HTML services. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  5. I agree with my name's sake. By posting a job request here you will be inundated with unqualified sellers. Don't do it!
  6. The issue is that many sellers take this to mean spamming a link to their gigs in response to every social media platform on as many public posts as possible. I belong to a Facebook book club and a Proofreader group. Both clubs have issues with freelancers joining the clubs and then spamming threads. It appears that some sellers may even be applying to join clubs here on the Forum merely to spam them with their gig links.
  7. This post may have some information that will help you. Read what @catwriter wrote.
  8. Is it considered spam when a user continually posts one or two emojis without saying anything?
  9. My most memorable project is a buyer rather than an order. I first met the buyer through Buyer Requests when I made an offer to his request, and he replied. In his reply, the buyer said he wanted unlimited revisions. I answered that he would not need any because buyers like my work that much. The buyer hired me to proofread a letter, and oh my, that document was very poorly written. I could tell from the repeated thoughts and other indicators that the buyer must have a learning disorder in writing. It took me about three times as long to wade through its content and make sense of it. But as a teacher, I had a lot of experience in doing so. What touched my heart about the buyer was that each time he placed an order, his writing improved bit by bit. He was learning to be a better writer by studying my corrections to his writing. I encouraged him by being his cheerleader and telling him I had noticed how his writing had improved. Then, he seemed to improve even more. That was six years ago, and this buyer is the one that has stuck with me the longest. We have become friends, and we always chat a bit whenever he places an order. Of course, I send him 25% off coupons because when we started working together I charged one-fifth of what I charge now.
  10. Oops! I will change that!
  11. Australian = 1 = 4.3% Bangladesh = 10 = 43.47% China = 1 = 4.3% Greece = 1 = 043% India = 1 = 4.3% Israel = 1 =4.3% Italy = 1 = 4.3% Pakistan = 1 = 4.3% Portugal = 1 = .043% United Kingdom = 1 = 4.3% United States = 3 = 13.04% Venezuela = 1 = 4.3% Total = 23 We are getting more diverse as time goes by. 😊
  12. Are you sharing or spamming? Either way this is what happens to sharing/spamming on social media—it is pointless.
  13. If you are asking Fiverr Forum users to ❤️ your gig(s), that does not help you in any way. The ❤️ is merely a book mark for buyers to find your gig again.
  14. Usually, when you create a topic, it is to ask a question or share knowledge. The benefit is that you get your question answered, or you inform other users of something you know that they do not. Creating a topic will not help your standings on the main Fiverr platform.
  15. In other posts on the Forum, I have read that Fiverr automatically changes your location according to your VPN.
  16. Fiverr no longer has Buyer Requests. They were replaced by briefs.
  17. Posting AI-generated content breaks Forum Rule # 4! 😱
  18. Posting AI-generated content breaks Forum Rule # 4! 😱
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