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  1. One such mail was sent to me too. It seemed like cheating to me so I didn't click. Please let me know if you have any feedback.
  2. Please check out the free course on Fiverr. I have referenced information from this course. https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller Please check out the free course on Fiverr. I have referenced information from this course. https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller What I said about the video is mentioned in this link. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451657-Adding-a-Video-to-your-Gig
  3. Although I haven't got a job on Fiverr yet but check if my advice is correct. You can start criticizing people. Can't correct him. Very sad incident. Please see my information from this courses on FIverr. https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller
  4. If you have any opinion contrary to my opinion, please let me know. Thanks,
  5. There's always Fiverr with a dedicated seller. If you can do any work properly. But this article will be useful for those who are not getting any work from Fiverr. Nowadays many unqualified people open accounts as sellers on Fiverr. So a buyer cannot easily come to a right seller. If you think you are a real seller then you need to present yourself as accurately as you can. Below I will outline some rules that can help you become the right seller. Present what you do best. It is very important to make sure that you can actually do the work. You should definitely use a video during gig creation. Make the video your own and describe your work. Remember that your video should not be longer than 75 seconds and the file size should be under 50 mb. There are some guidelines for uploading videos on Fiverr which you must adhere to when making videos. The more concise you can be in your job description, the better for you. Fiverr doesn't allow more than 1,200 characters, so you need to be extra careful here to make your description short and catchy. I think one of the biggest reasons for not getting work is not setting up pricing correctly. Remember that the buyer will buy from the one who will give good service and will get it at a slightly lower price than others. I hope these points above will help you become a successful seller.
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