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Everything posted by vickiespencer

  1. Many sellers are experiencing the same issue and, like you, do not know what to do.
  2. @Kesha My most significant issue is people who contact me asking to work for me. They do so on the gigs I am charged over $1.00 per click to promote. I have grown so disgusted with this issue that I have canceled promoting except to pay $0.05 per click because I am sick of losing money to these beggars. Is Fiverr doing anything to deal with this issue? If I contact CS, would I get a refund for such messages?
  3. The Forum is where I learned how to launch my Fiverr business and made many Fiverr friends—most of whom are no longer active on the Forum, myself included. The Forum gamification and having badges were fun until it wasn't. A group of us used to have a recurring thread where we played an emoji game. It would get up to 300+ posts long, and then it would get closed, and we would start a new one. That is where I got to know many of my Fiverr friends. However, when the Forum was gamified, those who wanted to earn the Grand Master badge plagued the emoji game threads by giving hearts to every post and creating silly replies. So, we lost that place to hang out together. After that, another group started a Wordsmith's Club and enjoyed shared knowledge and mutual interests. However, the option to have clubs was removed from the Forum, which further disappointed me and led to me spending less time here. Another nail in the coffin for me wanting to spend time on the Fiverr Forum is the plethora of Chat GPT posts. Will they never end? I am sick to death of users who seek to appear more knowledgeable than they are posting Chat GPT-created content. It takes too long to wade through the notifications to find content I want to read and comment on, so I choose to refrain from participating. The Forum used to be a fun, educational place where I could count on many Fiverr friends to help me if I needed it, but not anymore.
  4. If you are not getting messages, you cannot improve your response time.
  5. From now on, respond right away to any messages you receive.
  6. @isashikgd, you are a level zero seller with zero sales who joined the Fiverr platform in April 2024. Why should any Fiverr Forum user follow your advice when it does not appear to have helped you? 🤔
  7. I am not sure I received the e-mail. If I did, I am sure I ignored it because my LinkedIn profile was incomplete.
  8. Developing a team and not overseeing the product they produced could have been your downfall. Would it help to fire your team and return to doing all the work yourself?
  9. I am a TRS now, but it took me 45 days to get my first order in 2018. It is even more challenging now because since the pandemic, the number of sellers on Fiverr has doubled and tripled in many niches.
  10. I read on the Forum once that auto responses were aggravating to buyers who would rather interact with a seller, so I stopped using them. Fiverr gives us 24 hours to respond to a buyer before our response time declines, so what is the point?
  11. Giving this person helpful advice is useless as he never follows it. I gave him a lot of advice about how to make his profile more appealing to buyers, and he has not changed anything. Trying to help him is a waste of your time.
  12. Interestingly, OP has been on Fiverr since June of 2022, and he must have recently received his first tip. 🤔
  13. I already told you that buyers do not want to read profiles with all of the🔥emojis you have in yours. Yet I just checked and they are still there. If you do not take the advice offered to you, you will not get an increase in your gig's clicks and views, and you will stay on page ten.
  14. A better question may be, "How did you manage that honestly?"
  15. Sadly, not everyone's mamas taught them to be honest and forthright. On top of that, there are many cultures where dishonesty is the only way to get by if you hope to feed your family.
  16. Offer services that are in demand in a low competition niche.
  17. Yes, they used to cut them off at 250, I think. 🤔 Maybe @imagination7413 remembers.
  18. When I view a buyer's profile, I can choose to see the most relevant or most recent posts. Because I have Seller Success, I can also choose to have my best reviews front and center directly under each gig image once a buyer clicks on a gig to view it. PS, Hello, Miss C!
  19. Your words are cut off, and your bright colors hurt my eyes! Refrain from claiming your English is fluent when it is not. Buyers do not respect untruthful people. If you are willing not to be truthful about your English speaking ability, what else will you not be honest about? Because of that, buyers will avoid you.
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