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Everything posted by uk1000

  1. The message to CS also says "the moment I joined the platform a scammer contacted me through your messaging system". Maybe it was after the gig was created rather than immediately after joining. Your Fiverr profile page source says "joinedAt":1709890192". This page: https://www.unixtimestamp.com/ says 1709890192 Unix timestamp is Fri Mar 08 2024 (or maybe that could be about a day out depending on your/Fiverr's timezone). So maybe you initially joined on 8th March 2024, but probably created the gig (or it showed in the Fiver system publicly) on the 11th March 2024 and it was 11th March 2024 at 16:14 your time when you received the first phishing message appearing to be from "Fiverr Support" (because Fiverr allows/allowed anyone to change their display name to "Fiverr Support"). You're probably best going to somewhere that gives legal advice to get a proper answer.
  2. I thought that there were no monthly evaluations now with the new levels system. Though the OP's profile shows "level 2" when I view it. Maybe it just needed a bit of time to show (and maybe the page reloaded). https://www.fiverr.com/cp/freelancers-levels-ratings
  3. If the services you are providing are different it would be okay I think. eg. 3 gigs providing different styles of logo would be okay (eg. 1 for "modern logo", another for "handwritten logo" etc. Though in your case - will there be any differences in the service, photography or deliveries you send etc? If yes then it should be okay I think. But also having quite similar now might be less of a good idea than before as now in levels 0 and 2 you can have less gigs/active gigs than before. eg. so for unlevelled sellers you only get 4 gigs - and if you use them all for things you could easily do in 1 gig it might limit too much other gigs you create for more services that are more different. If there are only slight differences in the service for each you could put somewhere "Amazon, Ebay or Etsy photography" (if there's no rules against that) and mentioning those somewhere in the gig might still allow it to be found in the search for each of those (though what's in the gig title is best for searches).
  4. He also said in that video "they talked to scientists, businessmen and thinkers of the day to compile a list of innovations". So the artists could have been drawing what those scientists etc. had thought. edit: removed other bit. I read it as "without disclosure" not "with disclosure" of ai generated. though it still might be risky copyright-wise to create AI generated (not "ai assisted") books on KDP (though for ai assisted - KDP's definition - that could leave the content detectable as AI content whereas the human edited AI generated one probably wouldn't so the AI assisted might sometimes seem more AI-like than AI generated).
  5. uk1000

    Gig title

    You can but your gig's URL will stay the same. Also you shouldn't really make the title so different that it doesn't seem to be the same service (if you have reviews on it).
  6. You could have (and still could) answer their messages in the Fiverr inbox if the order was completed. Though if it was 10 months ago it's probably too long ago for that (they might have the answers to their questions now). You could see if it's possible to still enter a reply to the review (by going to the bottom of the order page) if you wanted to say something there and still offer to help with their questions, since adding a polite reply to the rating might help if other buyers see it.
  7. I was thinking it could be the dashboard (thinking it could be based on more recent info and so affect levels and success score) but they say: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system so it probably will get made the same at some point.
  8. Maybe they would have preferred a few more free revisions to change things in the way they wanted, but were otherwise very satisfied with things.
  9. See this post: The reason (or one of them) the overall success score isn't an average of your gigs' success scores is because according to the above post: So if you had more orders in the last 2 years (which seems to be the time-frame it takes into account) on gig A than gig B then gig A would have more impact on the success score than gig B. Also if you had orders from other gigs in the last 2 years but paused or deleted some of those gigs they might still affect your success score (since some people tried deleting gigs but it didn't change their score). Though you could check that with CS/staff/check if their forum posts mention that.
  10. Yes, it would be best to report the message so other people don't get scammed by the user and so Fiverr staff know. And in theory it should keep your response rate high (if they fixed the bug where it didn't and you had to reply to spam).
  11. You need to update the app to see it correctly with the new system (if they have updated it for your device). It's a bit of a bug though how the old system was working (there's no set date for monthly evaluations now, so maybe it was still showing that date even though it wasn't set). See:
  12. There's a Fiverr page about it here: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/freelancers-levels-ratings
  13. It would be best to ask Fiverr support or staff on the forum. Maybe if it said you couldn't be included in the rating system because of a warning that's what happens but check with CS. The levels page says:
  14. Check this link. https://www.fiverr.com/cp/freelancers-levels-ratings it gives requirements for the levels - maybe one of your stats dropped lower than the requirement for the level. Though I thought sellers were supposed to get 30 days grace period before demotion, but maybe they started that 30 days ago without saying.
  15. It showed 3.0K yesterday according to Bing cache. It thinks you have 3019 ratings, so rounds to 3.0K. The 1/1/1970 thing is because of Unix time/epoch so they've not initialised a variable properly but using it anyway probably. And maybe the 31/12/1969 ones are because of a different timezone / that they usually do the evaluation a day earlier I'm guessing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epoch_(computing)
  16. but they'll have less chance to diversify if they can only add 4 gigs in total due to their level or 10 gigs total/active (for level 2) when previously they could have more.
  17. It probably could improve things with enough time. eg. if someone has a gig (gig A) that their buyer's didn't rate as high as buyers rated their other gigs in the orders made in the last few years on it, deleting gig A now wouldn't have an immediate effect as the system would still see the past orders with the lower rating created in the last 2 years. But if it was deleted and replaced with a gig that people would rate better then that would help (after enough new orders). Or if it was deleted and then enough time passed so the orders from it were removed from the (eg. 2 year) window then it would eventually help improve the success score (though the seller might get less orders that way). Though it also gives less variety to their listings. Buyers might be less likely to find the gig they want. Fiver already had all the stats on each so they could rank them (or exclude from search) however they wanted. Removing the slightly worse performing gigs will also give them less data. Limiting the number of active gigs in levels 2 and 0 now will limit Fiverr's earnings as well as the sellers'. It won't be just the less good gigs that get removed. Even if all their gigs were good, sellers will be a lot more limited in the amount of gigs they can have active (apart from those who can keep the ones they already created). In their Q2 2023 shareholder letter Fiverr said: If they keep increasing the number of subcategories how are they going to get sellers to sell in each of those with enough gigs if they are now putting a lot lower limits on level 0 & level 2 seller for the amount of gigs they can have & have active?
  18. Fiverr's page says: so the grace period would be if you were going to drop a level. So I assume if you were going to advance levels compared to what it shows on the public profile it would show the updated level stuff some time today.
  19. Click on the success score then look at the gigs it shows and their scores and look at the hints it gives about each that it gives them for. Maybe check your competitors and see what they're offering. eg. if they're offering more of something (such as brand names) maybe you could try increasing the number a bit or maybe offer a revision if you think it might help. Maybe alter things based on reviews too if it could help.
  20. At the top of the inbox page when you get a new message it says (or does on mine): The terms of service: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service says: So never contact anyone outside of Fiverr as it would be against Fiverr's rules and could get an account warning. If someone asks you to contact them on Telegram you can say it's not allowed because of Fiverr rules and can report their post if it seems an obvious scam.
  21. It's similar type of phishing as in this page where they try to get people to scan a fake QR code (not from Fiverr even though it says "Fiverr" on it) that sends them a bad link but has "Fiverr" in the URL and the Fiverr system allows users to put "Fiverr Support" in their display name (which makes people think it's real). The scammers then try to get people to enter their card details and then try to withdraw their money. Though the first image looks different (it's hard to tell exactly as it's cut off).
  22. That's just the sellers though. It can be the buyers that do it (and there's millions of buyers and probably less than million sellers). But since there are a quite a lot of sellers with "Fiverr" in their username, like I suggested, they could put something above the inbox message saying that it wasn't official Fiverr staff/Fiverr (to help reduce the chance of phishing) if the message is from an existing user with "Fiverr" in the username. Though it's probably newer accounts that might do that and more likely buyer-only accounts (no gig). But they could prevent new users from using it in their username and display name. Though there's no search option for us for display name and the buyers who scam can put "Fiverr Support" in their display name. It would be really easy for them to check though.
  23. Maybe for gig images the checker doesn't detect it if it's not the whole image. If it's a smaller Fiverr logo in the corner of the image or there's a lot of other differences in the whole image compared to one online then it probably won't think there's a match. It also might depend on when that gig image was created (whether it was added/re-added before or after the "non-original image" check was added).
  24. They already check gig images and then give "not an original image" message (or warning/deny gigs for it) if it exists somewhere on the web. Either they're not checking profile image or they're not checking the buyer's profile image when they should be.
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