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Everything posted by uk1000

  1. On the old seller profiles if the avg response time was >= around 24 hours it used to show it in days instead of hours (I'm not sure if it gave it in months if it was >= about 30 days). Though that might get inaccurate (and unfair) if it's rounding to whole days (eg. showing 2 days when it's really about 1.5 days would be unfair to the seller), the new profiles show it in hours only even when it's really high (eg. one seller profile shows an average response time over 500 hours. Won't that look a lot worse saying that than saying "around 21 days" or "21.9 days" or something? Or maybe if it's very high it could just say "over a week" or "over x weeks" instead or some other text.
  2. Fiverr doesn't really go into more detail than in this link: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/ai-generated-content You could ask CS at the help desk for an official answer or ask staff here. Fiverr's link also says: though I think some have said that AI images generated by prompts can't be copyrighted (if there was no other human authorship). Fiverr also says: which might be a bit risky with the lawsuits against the AI companies re: copyright. But Fiverr also have whole categories with thousands of gigs for generating AI content, which will all be delivering it and having that in the gig images so it shouldn't really be a problem (though you're best checking with CS/staff first I think, if the gig is unrelated to AI). Ideally Fiverr would put more specific info in their community standards link about AI content.
  3. I don't think Fiverr have said if their system gives some sort of negative affect if you increase it (eg. slight reduction in rank) but if the buyer wasn't that happy about it being extended it could increase the probability of them giving a lower rating (either public or private). I think Fiverr did say at one time that if you find you are extending it a lot then you should increase the delivery time in the gig set-up (though it could also be from a custom offer, in which case ideally you should put a higher figure in their for that type of order).
  4. It's your dashboard that's not showing the rating (not the profile). It's showing "N/A" because the dashboard stats are based on the last 60 days and your last public rating was more than 60 days ago so there are no public ratings within the last 60 days for it to give an average figure for.
  5. It might be something to do with this (if they thought a buyer ordered just to increase ratings/reviews): At 4:05 in the video in the above link "it mentions things that it could consider a suspicious purchase eg. ones it thinks are feedback boosting (reviews/rating)". So maybe they might call the same thing "manipulating the rating system" if it thinks someone (even if it's actually their buyer) is "feedback boosting"
  6. You have no active gigs. If you want buyers to order your service then you need an active gig.
  7. If you update your writing gig then that would probably increase the chances of that gig being ordered. eg. In your "I will do content writing in 24hours" gig: Your gig thumbnail says "POSTE WRITING". Your gig description says "Copyscape report for Palagrisam". Those 2 above could be changed. The title might be better if the spacing was different after "24" and the description ends with "Travel & to" - it seems like it might have got cut off. One of your gig images says "Copyscap passed" - that could be changed. Another gig image in that gig has a sample from your work but the text is low res and not easily read and also shows compression artefacts. Maybe it would be better as a bigger image.
  8. I've got access to Neo now. It seems okay but also slow. Lots of "waiting" type messages before it tells of just one seller it finds. I thought it would recommend a few each time. I also said I needed a logo and it found me a seller who has no logo design gigs but does logo reveal videos. The messages from Neo just stopped after it's said "give me a moment" without it giving me a seller who actually has a logo design gig (not a logo animation/reveal gig). But then when I asked about where they were it showed me another seller it found. It also doesn't show any dates/times in the messages from the user/from Neo (apart from the date/time at the top for the start of the chat, which might be a different date if you continued looking for the right gigs for a project). It would be better if it had a date/time for each message so you can tell when you asked it something/when it recommended a seller (or when it said it would before stopping working). Also I'm not sure why it's recommending sellers and not specific gigs. And it could recommend multiple sellers/gigs each time and take up more of the width of the screen instead of just one seller on the left recommended (people with lower than avg. res could scroll a bit if needed). It could also allow links to a suggested seller or gig to be opened in a new tab by right clicking on it and selecting that straight from the Neo chat. It also doesn't know if you ask it for something that isn't really possible but continues trying to find the seller (eg. "I want it to have 7 red lines, all strictly perpendicular, all red, some of those drawn with green ink and the rest drawn with transparent ink - like in the The Expert video. 🙂).
  9. The system is just letting him send a message (not seeing theirs). It seems he just copied the username and pasted it after the normal URL that's shown when you see other messages from users (see url in 2nd screenshot) - so removed the username from a message url from someone else and replaced that username with that buyer's one (eg. pasting it in).
  10. It's sort of mentioned in the TOS: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service So it would be against Fiverr's rules so you would probably get an account warning if found out if you messaged them without them messaging you first. And you may get in trouble for circumventing the system (if there was no link there) if you did that.
  11. Is Fiverr Neo currently only available for buyer-only accounts (not those who are buyers & sellers or those with seller accounts but could switch to buyer-only mode)? because currently according to this poll, not many people from the forum have access to it:
  12. This is a poll thread so we can get an idea how many people/what % of them have access to Fiverr Neo currently (or if it's only available for buyer-only accounts etc.).
  13. Maybe turn them down with the slightly longer "gentler with words" approach. You said: but I assume you're turning them down before they order your service (you said you turn down 7-8 of every 10 clients). You could create a few longer, template replies that might help (that would be less likely for them to give the client comments you mentioned.
  14. If you want some advice on your gig (since this is in the gig advice section), your main gig image says "PRESS RELASE" and "PRESS RELESE" and "MY SERVICE INCLUDE". At the bottom of the gig description it says "#unitedkindom #unitedstate". I think changing those could help your gig.
  15. Though it could also be a risk having 60% of orders from 1 client, eg. if a seller's client ever stopped ordering/left Fiverr/had their account disabled then they'd probably have a big decrease in orders until they got enough from other clients.
  16. If you're offering to promote people's youube channels by optimizing text like titles and descriptions but your main gig image for the gig says "SETUP & GROW TAEGERD AUDIENCE ORGANIC PROMOTION" that might affect the chances of them ordering.
  17. What if the seller who is trying to make their competitor pay for ads (and they have no intention of buying) uses a logged out browser? Then you might not know it's being done by their competitor. Fiver still shows promoted gig ads to users who aren't logged in. Also couldn't the system exclude the click cost if it's from sellers who are direct competitors (eg. from a seller who has a gig in the same subcategory/leaf subcat) and also from those who spam soon after clicking on an ad?
  18. Okay thanks. So I assume it is increasing conversations of non-pro sellers vs how it was before the recent seller profiles change then based on data you have (though that wasn't stated). Though making the profile page more visible but with less info on it (at least before you click the "more info", eg. things like skill test results were removed, the level of understanding each language was removed from the main page before clicking that info button), and minimizing the gigs isn't going to make it very easy for them to find a seller's other gigs that they might want to order if they were interested after going to a seller's profile and it's the gigs that they buy. And with the level of language understanding moved to the "more info" page it will be harder for sellers to see that for each seller they want to check, and that might be important to them. I just think having seller intro videos etc. is less important for regular sellers and could be more important for Pro sellers. In my view I think it could be the quality of service and whether it's delivered as they want rather than how much they like a particular seller that might be more important for some buyers.
  19. It's used so people can vote up the answer(s) that they think best answer the question (ie. that provide the most accurate answer) and also so they can vote down answer(s) they think are incorrect or maybe below average.
  20. If you created a gig for that it could be against Fiverr's community standards if it's not a totally unbiased review (eg. if you haven't used the product/services of the business then it couldn't be an unbiased one). It would be safest to avoid paid-for reviews altogether (as being paid for it could make it biased). See: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services
  21. Why were the skill test results removed from the profile if the skills are important? Couldn't there have been other tests if there were issues with the current ones? is it currently increasing the conversions for non-pro sellers on average though or could it mainly have helped Pro sellers? Won't the gigs be more important for some sellers and so it might help to show all of their gigs on their profile page (or at least the same amount it showed before).
  22. Your gig's standard package is called "STANDAED". If you change that it might increase the chance of sales. Maybe change the profile text a bit too. Since you have a team of 15-16 people you could discuss with them how to make the gig more successful. Also adding an FAQ section on the gig will probably help. Since you're a digital marketer with more years experience in that than logo designing you could create an additional gig for digital marketing which might increase the chance of sales.
  23. You could check this page: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs You could check you emails or Fiverr notifications or maybe try looking at the gigs page (denied tab) and see if it says anything there). You could also check the Terms of Service and Community Standards page as shown in that quote. Or maybe ask customer support in a support ticket if you still haven't found the reason https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets
  24. A gig's impressions will might decrease over time (if orders aren't received on it) because I think: 1) Fiverr gives new gigs an initial boost 2) New gigs appear in the "newest arrivals" sort in a category/subcategory. As a gig gets older it will likely show at a higher page number in that newest arrivals section and then not show there at all. But making sure your gigs are the best they can be (eg. making sure all gig images show their best when viewed in the results/profile) might help. eg. making sure all the text of the image shows on the profile and that there's no spelling issues with any.
  25. Though according to perplexity.ai you shouldn't have too much fiber: It also says: Image source: stable diffusion
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