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Everything posted by catwriter

  1. Or they ask for revisions, and complain that they didn't receive additional extra work on top of those revisions.
  2. In addition to what others have said, offering a little extra (or a lot of extras, as some sellers do) can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes, buyers don't like the delivered work, or it isn't what they wanted, but if the seller did all that extra work, that buyer would feel uncomfortable at the idea of requesting revisions (even more work), so they just close the order, perhaps give a glowing public review... And a not-so-good private feedback.
  3. Why do you ask the very same question you have asked a year ago, when the answer is still the same? Additionally, even when there were buyer requests, you had to have active gigs in order to see any of them. Without having active gigs, nobody can contact you on Fiverr, and nobody can order from you. Nor can you get any Briefs (the feature that replaced buyer requests).
  4. If you're talking about a profile photo, the problem could be that it's a shot you're using all over the Internet; the system might think (well, "think") that you stole someone else's photo (we've had plenty of people using celebrity or stock photos as their profile picture).
  5. Well, I do hope that it doesn't mean that Fiverr will share our personal information with someone we've just reported for spamming. Or harassment. Oh, and what happens when we report someone's gig for a ToS violation? Or when we report a forum post because it violates the rules? Does the person we reported get our personal info in those cases?
  6. But did jumping and surviving help them with depression, since that was the question?
  7. In my country, you don't have to do that. You certainly can, but it's not mandatory.
  8. They probably don't know. The way Fiverr works, I wouldn't be surprised if nobody knows for sure yet.
  9. It started in February 2024, and it will affect everyone by February 2025.
  10. So, to stay on topic: does it count as success when a random creepy dude makes a video about you and puts it on YT?
  11. And just happens to hire only Bangladeshi sellers (with one exception, and that one is probably of Bangladeshi origin). ffs
  12. That's what I've noticed, too. And yet, it's the only review, and the OP states that it's the first order they got here...
  13. The only video on that channel. The channel has a rather trustworthy name. 600Boobs. EDIT: Unfortunately, I can't see whatever is hidden in your post. Boo hiding. EDIT2: It's so fun that parts of your post get auto-hidden while the forum fills with literal spam.
  14. I just found something, but it was made in August 2022.
  15. That sounds seriously creepy.
  16. Buyer told them? The review isn't showing up yet for everyone (there has been a delay in reviews...)? Multiple accounts? Asking for a friend/cousin/family member? Plagiarized post? On this forum, possibilities are endless...
  17. Because they have an insane amount of tickets to respond to. And this only slows them down. They respond to the oldest tickets first, so repeatedly contacting them about the same issue only pushes you to the bottom of the queue.
  18. At least it's a new one...
  19. catwriter

    New Scam?

    Misspelling is because certain words would cause the message to be delayed until someone can check if it's an attempt to go outside of Fiverr. "pay" is one of those words, and every word including "pay", whether it's "payment" or "papaya". Anyway, as @visualstudios said, payment problems can happen (some of my clients had them, too), just don't deliver anything until the order is actually placed.
  20. Out of curiosity, was the buyer banned, too?
  21. Sure they have, but Fiverr was never meant to be a bidding platform. Instead, you create a gig (or gigs), and buyers who are interested in your services can find you in Fiverr's search and place a direct order (or contact you and ask for a custom offer). If you have no gigs posted, no buyer can find you or hire you.
  22. Beneficial to ALL members of the community? AI-empowered scammers included?
  23. Don't be so sure. A woman gets assaulted, and there are plenty of people questioning what she was wearing, how much did she have to drink, why was she walking alone, why wasn't she more careful, did she actually want it, did she provoke him somehow... And it's definitely not just in your culture.
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