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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I said in that post. "Unless you are a new seller." This was advice for more established sellers.
  2. So you have the word "Pros" in your name, yet you are trolling the forum for bootleg software. Thanks for being my afternoon's entertainment.
  3. I get it. I have had lots of times where I raised prices and sat with no orders for days until it clicked back in. Everyone's experience is different.
  4. With the new year looming I suggest that you consider raising prices on your services for many reasons. Among them: 1. Fiverr gives you great tools to help promote your sales, but many come at a price. If you are a member of "seller plus", that is $348 per year right off the bat. Build that in. 2. Seller plus allows you to send coupons to select customers, which can build sales, but at a lower wage per project. Calculate how much the coupons cost you. Build that in. 3. Subscriptions let you sell several widgets instead of just one, but at a reduced price per widget. Calculate that and yes, Build that in. 4. "Promoted gigs" can add up quickly. If you spend just $100 per month on promoting your gigs, that's another $1,200 per year. Good program, but.. Build that in. 5. Remember that Fiverr takes 20% off the top (well deserved), but you can see that this is all adding up quickly. Build that in. 6. Global inflation and supply chain disruptions are making bread, beer and beans more expensive, but also electricity, paper, laptops, internet, cat food, and streaming. Yes, Spotify just hit me up for an additional $1 per month. Everything you use for your business and your personal life is getting more expensive. Build that in. 7. Taxes are not going down. Every politician I hear seems to want more of what I generate here on Fiverr, but they promise that this time, they will really, really spend it wisely. Build that in. If you add up what effect this will have on your earnings, it is a staggering loss, and one that we all need to prepare for. The opportunities we have to promote our services here on Fiverr are helpful, just remember to do what every corporation in the world does. They pass the cost of advertising (and literally everything else) on to the consumer. It's just good business sense, or you end up working for a lower wage year after year, unless you adjust for rising costs. I think many of us forget this and remain static, or even slide backwards because we, as individuals don't tend to think like corporations, and neglect to adjust selling price to keep pace with cost of production, promotion, and inflation. Plus, there is a hidden benefit that comes from raising prices. Fiverr algorithm (if it has any common sense at all) should favor higher priced sellers, as that makes their 20% larger. Not to mention that raising prices shakes off the most problematic buyers, and makes you appear more valuable to the high end buyers, like VID's and "Fiverr Business" buyers. I realize that it can be scary to increase prices, but I know lots of sellers who have taken the plunge and have seen the many benefits that come from doing so. If you are not brand new and trying to get that L1, you should give yourself a raise in 2022. After all if you don't, who will?
  5. I hate people who use hate speech. Does that make me a hater? OMG I used hate speech, hating haters. This is all such nonsense. 1. You have the right to say anything you want. 2. You may get punched in the nose for it. 3. Be kind.
  6. The more money you earn for Fiverr, the more they display your gig.
  7. I was going to comment and offer some assistance, but since you only want advice from other people who can't sell, I'll just wish you good luck with that.
  8. "Hate Speech" is misused as a label for anything that someone does not want to hear. It is the cancel culture battle cry.
  9. No, I understood completely. I sometimes forget that sarcasm only works in English. I was pointing out that if you are too scared to raise your prices, then maybe you are too timid to compete in the roller derby of business that is Fiverr.
  10. You can't raise your prices? You should report that to CS as it is a bug.
  11. Self serving, wishful thinking, but entirely unfounded.
  12. Sadly, there isn't much of a screening process for anything.
  13. Everything is now discrimination as long as someone chooses to be offended. In fact it is the most popular way to win an argument once you have run out of facts.
  14. It seems to be mutating. This happened on the old forum as well. At first things were pretty free wheeling, but the "Shepherds of the forum" started removing posts and banning users very aggressively. They handed out permanent bans and even 1,000 year bans, like the people on the home owner's association who live to send nasty letters because your grass is 1/8th inch too long. Eventually, they banned almost everyone who made the forum interesting. Seems we're heading that way again.
  15. Taken to its logical end, it means "no truth allowed." Which is how you end up here.....
  16. OK, I'm risking a block here, but this is my theory Mr. Smash. I agree, I can't remember seeing hate speech here ever, ever, ever. But as you stated, anything counts as hate speech nowadays, so I think that because we have complained about a bunch of scammy and spammy practices, all coming from a particular geographical region, that is being pushed as hate speech to m. o.ds. Otherwise why has the narrative suddenly shifted from "we're gonna clean this place up" ...to "stop the hate speech?" I'll see y'all in a week. Don't forget me. M.F.G.A. - Make Forum Great Again!
  17. Yes, many have their profile and gig descriptions written by a native speaker. Engage them in a series of back and forth conversations via inbox to see if they sound anything like their advert.
  18. To all the folks who worry about "ranking" their gig, here's a free bit of knowledge I got from my Success Manger. The vast, really vast majority of buyers do not navigate to a category, then start drilling down to a sub category, then start scrolling through pages of gigs. Most buyers do exactly what you do when you go to Amazon to buy fuzzy slippers. You enter "fuzzy slippers" in the search bar, and the algorithm takes you to a page of results ranked by sales success and positive reviews. So you see the best they have to offer, which are the most likely to result in a sale. That's is precisely the way Fiverr works. This is why you see really successful sellers get rotated on and off the first page, and people with 2 sales on the same first page. They just rotate to help get exposure. My sales are the same whether I am on page 1 or 20, because the algorithm presents my gig where it feel that there is the best chance of making a sale. That's it. That's the secret of the universe. So don't worry about where you rank, because most buyers will search, and when they do, they are presented with the gigs that are the most profitable for Fiverr. That means you should work on making your gigs and the services you offer perfect, and getting really happy buyers who leave you positive reviews. So the short answer, is don't worry about "ranking" your gig, that is transient, and the real success comes from making sales and getting good reviews. No real magic. Less worry about "ranking" and more worry about being the best damned (whatever it is you do) on Fiverr. Good luck.
  19. I suggest we also focus on groups of people openly discussing how to rip off Fiverr buyers with fake qualifications in their gigs, offering each other tips as to how to deceptively appear online 24.7. We seem to be concerned with how that damages the forum, but the real damage is being done on the main site, where many of us are trying to run legitimate businesses.
  20. Nonsense. Such a shame that people who have no clue post this fake advice.
  21. They claim to be an expert marketer " I'm an expert Digital Marketers. I live in Bangladesh. I always grow Social Media account & promote ‎Business service or product" So they are the one who should be giving us all tips, and if she were actually an expert marketer, she would have more orders than she could handle. Yet another fake "expert marketer" from the same place.
  22. Dishonest. Then your reviews mean nothing if you pay off the bad ones to go away.
  23. So you dishonestly give the impression that you are offering a 5 star service because you are sanitizing your reviews, essentially buying off bad reviews with a refund. How is that fair to buyers who think they are actually getting a 5 star service?
  24. I think I am going to buy the gigs from about a dozen of these "Marketing experts" for my gig, and see what I get. Could be very funny.
  25. Not necessarily. That is as ridiculous as saying that all new sellers are unskilled. You cannot decide on a trait and apply it equally to everyone in a group, no matter how self serving the reason to do so is.
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