I just noticed they have that statistics in the new analytics (I know they had kind’a had it before, but it wasn’t that clear). For me, it’s 67% of my buyers left me reviews. So I was just wondering is that an average number, do you guys have more or less? To encourage my buyers to leave me reviews, I add this sentence to the delivery message (after I’ve told them that they can contact me with any questions or concerns about the order, of course): Alternatively, if you are happy with my work, I’d appreciate it if you mark the order as complete and leave a Fiverr review. I never say “leave a good review”. A few times it has backfired and people have left bad reviews. Sometimes they would leave a 4 stars review. But I figure I can learn from the feedback and at least the ones who are happy do leave great reviews. So I was just wondering if this sentence is something that’s really working or if 67% is just an average percentage for review-leaving. Thanks for your help! Maya