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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. 1. Learn how Fiverr works by reading the Forum posts on this topic, there are thousands 2. Communicate properly, for example, ALL CAPS IS CINSIDERED SHOUTING!
  2. Get a commission for buying? Wow, just wow.
  3. Because many of us are experienced business people who understand how finances work. For example, I understand that I could never keep 80% of gross revenue if I had to: 1. Pay for a website. 2. Promote the website to attract millions of visitors 3. Pay dev and engineers to maintain site full time 4. Establish credit card and payment services globally 5. Maintain an accounting department which complies with tax regulations of 150 countries 6. Maintain a legal department to insure compliance 7. Rent commercial real estate in Tel Aviv, Orlando and more 8. Provide 24/7 customer support 9. Provide a living wage and benefits to my employees. 10. Perform as a publicly traded corporation on the NYSE with all the regulation that entails...and lots more. Those are just off the top of my head. I do realize that it is not as well thought out as your "It's not fair" theory. But one thing nags at me? If you can do it more cheaply, why don't you leave the platform and start your own Fiverr? You did, after all agree to these terms, assuming you actually read and understood them.
  4. I think that is the smart play.
  5. Dear "SEO Expert", why might you as an "SEO Expert" need help in ranking your gig? According to your profile it says " i'm professional Digital marketer and expert advance level. i know how to marketing brand /product and business. In the modern world marketing is very importance to promote business to your targeted area and audience." So why don't you just do that?
  6. You claim to be an "SEO Expert." Shouldn't you be the expert at promoting your gigs?
  7. No because you no longer meet the level requirement.
  8. Sell a lot of services.
  9. I would suspect that they are still behind the people who have completed 2,002 orders. This is not easy.
  10. newsmike

    Tea Party

    In Beantown we can stand for the hokey pokey. To put left foot in, followed by left foot out. Please share meaningless comments.
  11. A SM is your "success manager" that gets assigned to you once you join "Seller Plus." They are there for advice, but there are limitations as the thread you asked about will discuss.
  12. This is how you write: I will write any type of high quality articles cheap price This is how ChatGPT writes: "Are you searching for a talented and enthusiastic writer who is passionate about producing high-quality content? Look no further! With my dedication to crafting engaging and informative writing, I'm ready to take on any project you have in mind. Whether you need blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or other types of content, I have the skills to create content that captures your readers' attention and delivers real results. Let's work together to bring your ideas to life and make your content stand out from the crowd."
  13. I will as soon as I'm done with your laundry.
  14. I assumed it was MS in Islamic Hysterectomies
  15. I would write an "Open letter to Fiverr" asking how people who speak like Tonto can claim fluency while they look the other way, but I'm afraid it might not get a response.
  16. Ben, if you are in Seller Plus, you can ask your SM if it is indeed related to a negative private revue or not. There is a thread about a bunch of successful sellers who are suddenly experiencing the same issue, however without it being related to private reviews.
  17. Yep. Nelson Riddle, Quincy Jones, The Gershwin's, Johnny Mercer, Burt & Hal, even Fats Waller and his cohorts, plus every guy who ever went in or out of the Brill building. I could see you fitting in there, except they'd tell you to put a shirt on. 😀
  18. I agree that they are different beasts as far as copyright and probably every other legal aspect as well and support the separation of the verticals. As to quality and validity both verticals suffer from the problem of self described "professionals" who clearly are not. Mixed among the vetted PRO VO sellers are (sometimes on page 1) people who have the following 2 qualifications, first they have a microphone built into their laptop and second, once played a tree in a 4th grade play. This applies to the musicians as well. There are PRO sellers here who have legitimate credentials, and then plenty of people who can't hum a tune who create a gig on a lark clogging up your vertical. Pareto's rule applies to music and VO here in Fiverr as al least 80% are complete amateurs with no business selling music or VO services in any way. Then the remaining 20% contains a lot of mid level DJ's and cover band guys who play weddings and have never been booked for a real, honest to God professional gig anywhere. But this is a Fiverr problem for every vertical. To your other point, there are clearly things that make up the "social proof" of professionalism you describe among VO artists. Among them, having an IMBD profile with a legitimate narration credit for a film currently streaming on Netflix and Prime Video: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7343526/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm Or being credited as narrator in a video viewed over 30 million times on National Geographic's YT feed.
  19. Fiverr has been wrestling with this identity crisis for years, but AI is accelerating it. Fiverr wants to be the Rolex authorized seller with TRS and PRO sellers, but at the same time they refuse to turn away the guy who wants to buy a counterfeit for $15. You just have to go around back and ask for Stan.
  20. I'm sorry, but would it not be more helpful and realistic advice to suggest that if user cannot construct a sentence in basic English, they they should refrain from offering writing in English as a gig? Correcting his description without any improvement in English will only allow him to make more sales in that area which will undoubtedly disappoint the buyer. We should encourage people to only sell skills that they actually possess.
  21. Disgustingly self serving. You should be ashamed of yourself. Using other people's suffering to run a scam to sell your services.
  22. I'm here for the forum. I love nonsense.
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