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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. OMG Vickie, thanks for making me return for a closer look: That feeling when someone with a B.A. in English literature can't spell "English Literature."
  2. Maybe that's why they are too busy to order.
  3. Please search on mandatory rules about the Fiverr gig image.
  4. Come on Fiverr, you're not even trying anymore.
  5. You are missing the point. Yes, you can force people to do something by with withholding something they paid for and have a legal right to. I find it odd that you think people will praise you for that.
  6. Agree. Imagine Amazon placing your delivery on hold because you didn't review the last thing you ordered? Would you give in to their demand, or tell them where to shove it while you open a credit card dispute and cancel for "non delivery"? Absolutely non client centered thinking.
  7. I understand that you really feel that it is not fair, nor accurate. But do you really think that otherwise satisfied or busy people will not take the opportunity to bash the entire process, thereby trashing a seller? I can assure you that if you delivered a great VO to me, I would happily consider filling out a review, however if you tried to force me by telling me that you plan to withhold what I had paid for and now legally own, until I completed mandatory tasks centered around you, I would be sure to make sure you understood in the review that I think you have the client/seller relationship reversed. We owe them nothing but what they paid for. They pay us, and we perform at their behest. We can request, we cannot dictate to customers. If you think doing so will get you glowing reviews, I think you would be surprised.
  8. Yep. Average checkout these days goes as follows: Can I have your phone number? NO Would you like our join our loyalty club and get 10% off your next purchase? NO, I wanna get out of here Would you care to open a "Home Depot" charge account to get 15% off a singe item? NO, and I'm seriously thinking of walking out right now without this POS Would you like to round up your change for Ronald McDonald house? NO, just shut up, and ring me out before the police arrive.
  9. How would you react in you went into Starbucks, ordered and waited, then prior to getting what you paid for some kid behind the counter said "You can't have you drink till you answer the 5 questions on the iPad in front of you." I think the majority would give 1 star because of the inconvenience and waste of time. This would backfire in a terrible way. I would end up trashing the seller because of a dumb time waster that Fiverr implemented.
  10. I agree there is confusion, but simply making a new definition for "commercial usage" is just a start. I find the confusion from buyers is more centered around not knowing the difference between an ad to be used on Facebook, vs actual broadcast media. Or buyers mistakenly thinking that "non profits" get discounts. There are far too many scenarios that would be left undefined. To see all the possible uses you can look at the SAG/AFTRA rate sheets, or even better the rate sheets at https://rates.gravyforthebrain.com which also include a SAG/AFTRA calculator. I realize that you are discussing terminology rather than rates, but I'm suggesting that a deep dive reveals a most important point, being: The current Fiverr naming conventions and the ones proposed in this thread only scratch the surface of possible usage and pricing. With just a binary selection of usages we will still not have the pricing opportunities that would be optimal for each individual buyer. For example, failing to distinguish between a Facebook ad for a sandwich shop in Tupelo vs an ad to be broadcast on terrestrial TV and radio, and for how long, 13 weeks or forever? What about a national ad vs an ad that runs on TV in LA and SFX only? I have considered removing the "Order Now" function, and enabling the "Contact to order" function in order to have a more serious discussion about usage prior to each order being placed. Fiverr could never capture all that needs to be considered in the menus, and even if they could, buyers would still be confused by them. I think it will remain largely up to us to ask about usage and quote appropriate fees.
  11. So have the people who already worked hard to become successful pay for all the noobies? This is a business site, not a social welfare program. If anything, the new sellers should pay more. You reward the people who bring in the money. Fiverr is an English platform, they should do the opposite and not allow people who cannot speak English to sell here. Or you could just learn how things work, and not violate terms "mistakenly." You must be new, because this very silly position has been explained hundreds of times in the forum. Perhaps search it and find out why. Hint: scammers. BTW, Saying "Hello Dear" to start a business message is very weird and creepy. This is not a love and romance website.
  12. @vickieitogave you some good advice, the only thing I can add is that you should learn how things work here and follow the rules. For example, you posted this request for help in the wrong category, which is a violation of forum rules. This is where you are supposed to post "tips for sellers" hence the name "tips for sellers."
  13. 30 minutes ago you posted a plea for help asking how to make your first sale. Now all of a sudden you are offering advice to others, and bad advice at that? Amazing.
  14. Because there are 2 or 3 locations that are in the business of "spam and scam" rather than offering actual quality services and Fiverr has done nothing to stop the barrage of such nonsense. Therefore those of us trying to make an honest living have to do so in a sea of fakes, pickpockets and scammers.
  15. You claim to be a "Marketing Expert." Your gig says, "I have extensive experience in digital marketing." If that is true you would recognize how ridiculous it is that you are here asking how to get sales. It's is like someone saying "I am an expert baker", now tell me how to make bread." Also consider being honest about your claim of English fluency, because no one fluent in English would ever say "how can I get the first order?"
  16. Have you suggested this to your Success Manager?
  17. Understood. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I do struggle with you framing this as "unfair" as opposed to "unfortunate." What would you propose as an alternative? It seems that you are saying that rotation is good as long as you are immune from it. If that's incorrect please tell me how you would rotate everyone on the platform without having sellers experience peaks and valleys.
  18. This is absolutely correct. My SM showed me that while I am not on page 1 right now, if you search for "American Male Voice Over", I am on the first page of results. Most buyers search, they don't browse.
  19. I was playing with the numbers and I think they are probably doing us a favor if we see page 1 even twice per year. If they did a scheduled, absolutely "fair" rotation, it would work like this. My vertical, VO has 34,046 sellers. With 48 tiles on page 1, that means there would be 709 groups of 48 who could occupy page 1 at any given time. Equally or "fairly" rotated would mean that each person would get 1 day on page 1, once every 1.9 years.
  20. I don't know how it works, but if you have a few million sellers, and 48 slots on page 1, seems that there will be lots of time off the first page. For all we know, they may be extremely fair, rotating everyone, but as humans we are funny that when we are on page 1, we think that everything is working fine, and when someone else gets a chance we convince ourselves that the universe is unfair. I have experienced it many times as you have, it is not fun, but I don't think I can call it unfair. Getting the 90% of unskilled sellers off the platform would go a long way to fixing this, but that's another dicussion.
  21. This is probably what caused the problem. You cannot contact previous buyers, it is considered spam. If one of them reported you that would have certainly caused this issue.
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