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Posts posted by newsmike

  1. On 9/19/2024 at 4:31 PM, melissaharlowvo said:

    So this is a real bummer. I often SEARCH (in the search field) for certain users to refer to them to buyers. I also tell others to, "just search my username or name and I come right up" but that ability to search for certain users NO LONGER WORKS. Why? What possibly would be the benefit to this? You can't even look someone up by their username. My guess is the search filed is being used for something else and doesn't function like normal search fields. All good websites have a search field so you can easily find things inside the website, especially one so robust as Fiverr.

    Also, it's so much more personal to communicate to people by their name, so I use peoples names frequently. I will always remember a name, but some usernames are so obscure and have nothing to do with the gig.

    Plus, why do we have our personal names in our description if we can't even be searched? This makes no sense.

    I feel bummed for all the people I have told to "just search my name" in Fiverr. Since that no longer works, I now have to start a list of individual links to gigs. That seems super old school to me and should not be the way you can connect referrals. What are your thoughts?

    This has been broken for a while. I just always use a web search like this and it found you even though I misspelled your name.


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  2. 14 minutes ago, badar121 said:

    “What if the buyer leaves negative private feedback out of spite because I gave them a bad review, even though they initially left me 5 stars?”

    This is why smart businesses know that no matter what a customer posts about a product or service, the only proper response is "We're sorry you had a problem, please contact us so we can make it right."  They are the customer, they pay you and you should realize that speaking negatively against those that pay you is not a smart bet. Business requires some restraint and engaging in trashing someone who just paid you is not a classy look.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, mandyzines said:

    Professional voice over portfolios always include the final products audio was used in. It makes no sense to showcase voice over work in a portfolio without the visuals and music it's meant to compliment/enhance.

    This automatic insertion of work samples might work well for other categories, where the work completed is the final product, but it doesn't make sense for Voice Actor portfolios.

    We now have a janky mashup of just audio files automatically inserted alongside videos. We cannot move or delete them from the portfolio. They have no context to them, as it says in the documentation we're supposed to provide. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413134063633-Using-My-Portfolio

    In order to keep it clean and professional-looking, we now have to turn off live portfolios on each gig. 

    We should be able opt in or out within the main portfolio. This way, we can keep the work samples up within our gig galleries and reviews--where it makes sense--and not degrade the quality of our main portfolio. 


    Bloody hell, they found another way to mess things up. Have you switched off "live portfolio"? I just did. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, tauseefabbaskhn said:

    Do you think securing clients outside (through your personal website) is a much daunting task? 

    Yes, it is time consuming, expensive and not guaranteed. But if you want to build a base, it is somewhat necessary to do some form of marketing. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, pdbstudios said:

    what do you mean for non-fiverr? there is something better?

    Yes, but it is not another freelancing site. It is having clients that you've developed through traditional means like networking in your field, of advertising with google ads that drive traffic to your own website.  This eliminates having a partner who dictates what you can sell, controls your exposure and takes a commission. But I use Fiverr as a side hustle for extra money on the side. Using any third party site as your primary sales driver is unwise, as is having all your eggs in one basket. 

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  6. 12 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

    I've definitely had varied success/ROI with promoted gigs, but I don't believe it's ever been less than 1X.

    Do you guys ( @visualstudios @newsmike) use Google ads to drive people to your own sites, if so I'm guessing you get a much better ROI?

    I haven't used Google ads for a very long time because 90% of my business is from a consistent group of non Fiverr regulars who either have daily or weekly standing appointments. For the remaining 10% which is Fiverr, the promoted gigs ROI has been inconsistent. Right after they deployed it I was at least breaking even, or making some modest profit from it. For the last year, it has become a complete loss of revenue, which is why I stopped using it. 

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  7. 56 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    It's worse than that - because I pay for junk exclusively. It's not "random", if it was I'd get the spam and the real clients. Nope. No real clients at all. Every single message I get is spam, and every single message I get is from a list of the same 3 or 4 countries. They also come in batches, like days without anything and then 3 or 4 back to back within minutes. This isn't "random". 

    In all we have coupons, campaigns and promoted gigs. The coupons and campaigns are fine for getting an incentive in front of some new buyers and there is no liability as to cost. Only the Seller Plus subscription fees apply, so we don't really expect much from these either way.

    Fiverr needs to realize that if they want to charge us up to $3 per click, then they have to find a way to ensure that only vetted, eligible populations will ever be exposed to the advertising and have the opportunity to click your gig. Isn't that the entire point of paying a premium per click? Otherwise it is a lot like advertising the local BMW dealership by handing out flyers at the unemployment office.

    I realize that in the example I gave earlier, Google has access to the data to drill down to a very granular level, where Fiverr never would. However, they could easily institute some baseline requirements that might help. Even if they did not want to allow a checkbox for countries that can view (although they should) what is preventing them from saying that a Voice Over seller who uses promoted gigs, will have the ability to be seen only by buyers who meet the following:

    Top 25 countries that purchase Voice Over services. Honestly, there are only about a dozen that make up 98% of my business, and 3 countries that make up 90%, so this is generous. 

    Buyers with a spend history in the top 30% by dollar amount. Cause who wants $5 buyers costing you $3 per click?

    Buyers with overall positive reviews from sellers.

    Those just to start? Why pay for bad leads?

    Fiverr must deliver an elite audience for $3 per click, or no one will buy the service. 



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  8. On 9/8/2024 at 2:37 PM, visualstudios said:

    Until I can control promoted gigs so they are only shown to USA and select European countries, I will never use this again. I'm not going to pay to be harassed by people who have no intention to buy my services, always from SE Asia and Latin America, which are NOT my target market because I've yet to see any clients there with proper budgets. This is ridiculous.

    I will not pay for garbage.

    It is unheard of not to be able to place paid advertising precisely where you want it geographically, as well as targeted by age, gender, ethnicity, income level, education level, marital status and many more. It is for the same reason that I discontinued using Fiverr's promoted gigs.

    With Google ads I could advertise just to women between 25 and 34 years of age who like the NFL, drive Toyotas and live in Philadelphia.

    Fiverr just throws your spend into the randomness of their user base, and you pay for junk. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, kari_art1 said:

    I permitted him to cancel because that was my first order and I didn't want a bad review.

    This is the very best way to ensure that you will be performing free work on an ongoing basis. Long term it pays to stand by the integrity of your work and demand to be paid if you met the requirements of the order. There are "buyers" who rely of seller fear to get one free service after another.

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  10. 5 hours ago, neilyhype said:

    If I turn on the Request to Order feature, I lose 99% of sales.

    I believe you'll find that this is not true. I had just as many sales when this was turned on. Only reason I'm not using it now is because they priced Seller Plus above it's value, Anyway, you won't lose any sales, they just message you and then you get to correspond before you send an offer. Try it, it's great, and you can just switch it on and off at will. 

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  11. This happens frequently with voice over artists. People purchase 100 words and then send you the entire King James Bible as a script. 

    Just respond as follows:  "Hi, I noticed you purchased 100 words, but provided a script of 100,000 words. Were you intending to have me read the first 100 words as a test? If not I can send an additional offer to add the additional words you provided, Thanks."


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  12. 1 hour ago, mandyzines said:

    I pointed out statistics, basically. I can't control how you feel about that. 

    Wow, after a break from the forum I decided to check out the old neighborhood, and the decline is truly shocking. Seems you, @donnovan86 and @vickiespencer may be the only original folks still even bothering to keep this forum going. Otherwise it has quite literally deteriorated into a library of whining, superstition, misinformation and other assorted hokum. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, dariapjs said:

    I think it's sad and unfair as I already paid it during the order creation.

    Actually you didn't pay for the processing of the tip in the original order.

    If you were to learn how credit card fees work you would understand why this is. Fiverr is charged a percentage of the total sale for processing the transaction by the credit card. So for example if American Express charges 5%, then on a $100 order Fiverr is charged $5. If your buyer then sends you a $50 tip, AMEX sees this as a separate transfer and charges Fiverr another $2.50 for that transaction. You can't expect Fiverr to lose money when someone processes a second transaction as a tip. 

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  14. Just now, visualstudios said:

    A superior intelligence.

    It is not "Intelligence of any kind, " It's right there in the name, ARTIFICIAL intelligence, a mere imitation of the collective successes, flaws and failures of mankind. You give too much credit. 

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  15. 3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    Parasites are quite successful lifeforms in general.

    Parasites are not lazy. They spread, and devour. Constant invasion and destruction. War itself.  You were talking about laying by the river smoking weed and doing nothing. Parasites feed themselves, they constantly trade their  time for survival. 

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