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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. HI Zuzana, How many impressions vs. clicks vs. leads vs. actual orders we get differs wildly from seller to seller. I wouldn't get stuck on the numbers here. Instead, look at your monthly revenue. Is it where you want it to be? If not, how can you increase it? Think of it as you would any business outside of Fiverr. Your gig is your store window. If it's ugly, people will leave and visit someone else, or even worse, pass right by your shop. In most cases, improving the "front-end" of your gig (i.e., thumbnail/gig video and title) can increase clicks. The same + gig description can increase conversions, i.e., turning that click into an order. So, to improve, work on every aspect of your gig. I think your gig descriptions are good. They focus on the buyer and their needs. Thumbs up! The profile picture also looks professional. Thumbs up! Your profile description could do with some improvement. Correcting typos, improving your English, and ensuring that people actually understand who you are, would be relevant steps to take here. Perhaps you could try to tell a story about how you used the techniques offered to improve your own life. More on your background, less on the method? Just a thought. As for your gigs: only two have videos. I think all your gigs could use videos to their advantage. Videos increase engagement and trust and helps the buyer get to know you and your services. About videos: the audio quality of yours is not great. Perhaps you could record new videos in an area with less reverb (echo) or stack some pillows outside the camera view to improve the audio. It's not a dealbreaker, but if I were to hire a life coach I knew I would be talking to for hours, I would prefer someone easy to understand with crisp, clear audio and picture quality. Pricing: Starting at just five bucks sends only one signal: cheap and low-quality. No true professional want to work for five bucks. Fiverr also tries really hard to promote higher-priced gigs because selling a 100-dollar gig means more money not just for the seller but for Fiverr. In other words, the algorithm likes higher prices. I quickly looked through your category, and most sellers charge 20+ as their base rate. I hope this helps!
  2. You claim to be a skilled graphic designer with multiple certifications, yet your application did not meet Fiverr's quality standards. I'm not saying you're not a skilled graphic designer, as I haven't seen your work, but Fiverr's decision not to approve your profile may indicate a disagreement with that self-assessment, or it may simply be that the category you're applying for is over-saturated. After all, graphics design is one of the more over-saturated verticals on Fiverr. Did you offer something unique to set you apart from the sellers already on the platform? With all due respect, if you intend to create a new Fiverr profile, why do you think it will be approved next time? What has changed? If the answer is "nothing," the chances of your next profile ending up in the unapproved pile are high. I'm only trying to help by offering a reality check here. You need to offer something unique that is in demand on Fiverr for your profile to be approved. If you're just another graphic designer amongst thousands applying each day, Fiverr has to set the bar high to maintain some sort of quality control on the platform. I believe I answered your initial question in my previous post: yes, you can delete your old profile and create a new one. Will it help? Doubtful.
  3. To manage that many orders, you would either require a team to handle the workload or focus on a high volume of small orders. The latter is often called a volume seller. They typically complete many easy/smaller tasks for a small sum. On the other end, there are high-end sellers who cater to clients with bigger budgets, working on fewer but higher-value projects. My own business falls into this latter category (or somewhere in between, depending on who you ask, since there are sellers charging thousands of bucks for a single order). The majority of my orders are valued at $100 or more, and I seldom receive orders below that. I frequently work on orders from 1000 to 3000 USD each. If I were to have 20 of those in my queue, I would indeed require the team I mentioned to manage it.
  4. You get briefs if Fiverr thinks your gig is relevant and a good match for a buyer's needs. In other words, make sure your gigs are well optimized to let the algorithm know what your service is all about and deliver high-quality services to ensure a high buyer satisfaction rate (happy buyers = more buyers).
  5. The wait could span days, weeks, months, or even years. You might never get it back. It depends on your performance. You lost access to the feature because you a) don't meet the quality requirements or b) did something wrong. I can't tell you the exact reason why this happened. But it's usually reasons a, b, or a combination of those. The only one who can affect change is you. By consistently delivering exceptional services and by following the guidelines, you enhance your gig's quality, which in turn may influence your eligibility for promoted gigs. To put it bluntly: Don't wait around and expect promoted gigs to be reactivated for you. You lost access for a reason, and it is up to you to improve.
  6. Behance is not included among the approved links for gig descriptions, so, I would be cautious. This list is specifically for gig descriptions, but the intent is to avoid sharing contact information or giving the impression that you're attempting to contact someone or receive payments outside of Fiverr. If your Behance link discloses any personal information, it could potentially be regarded as a violation of the guidelines. I would recommend creating your own website with absolutely no personal information on it except your Fiverr username and using that to share your portfolio with potential clients.
  7. As indicated in the email from Fiverr, your profile and service have been thoroughly evaluated, and unfortunately, you do not currently fulfill Fiverr's criteria. What leads you to believe that Fiverr would approve your seller profile if you were to delete your existing account and apply once more? Have there been any significant changes since you initially created this profile? While it is possible to delete your previous Fiverr account and create a new one, provided you have not been kicked from the platform, what would be the point? Unless you have acquired a new skill set and believe you are now better suited to meet Fiverr's standards for quality and trustworthiness, I would honestly recommend directing your efforts elsewhere.
  8. The thought of doing it cheaply to get started isn't entirely invalid, but consider this: If you were to launch a new beverage to the supermarkets, and the going market rate for said beverage type is ten bucks, you wouldn't sell for one buck. You would sell it for ten, perhaps with an initial launch sale, giving people 10 or 20% off for the first week. Being new to the marketplace doesn't mean you must sell yourself short and work for nothing. 😄
  9. Thousands of people have asked the same question on the forum before you. I suggest searching and reading on the forum, and I'm sure you'll find answers. 🙂
  10. But, alas, it appears laziness prevails among most sellers. You're right, of course, but if it doesn't scream, "Get orders fast right now rank my gig," they don't seem to care. And then, they act all shocked and surprised when they get banned. It's honestly baffling. Maybe, just maybe, if people spent a little less time looking for ways to cheat the system, and a little more time reading, they'd actually have a shot at being successful on this platform. But hey, who are we to burst their bubble?
  11. It's part of gig rotation. Just because you can't see the gig in search, it doesn't mean it's not showing up for buyers, if your performance indicates to the algorithm that you deserve it and the placement would be relevant for the buyer searching.
  12. Your position in search results is not fixed, as it depends on factors such as relevance, your performance, and the performance of others. This means that one buyer may find you on the first page, while another may not see you at all. Rather than referring to it as "rank," it is more accurate to describe the process as "matching" since Fiverr aims to connect the right buyers and sellers. To maintain and grow your income on Fiverr, deliver exceptional quality and support to your clients. I advise raising your rates. Given that you received a $120 order with a base gig price of $5, you likely expended significant effort on the project. If you check out the search results, you will find that most successful sellers on the platform charge more than $5 as a base rate. Charging higher rates, in addition to increasing earnings, often attracts higher-quality clients. To appeal to premium customers, sell at premium rates (but until you gain some momentum, you should charge a bit less than the best sellers in your niche). Higher rates also signal to the buyer that you're a true professional since no real pro would ever work for five bucks. Consider diversifying your profile by creating additional gigs to draw in more buyers. For instance, you could expand your editing services to include other gaming videos, cinematic videos, or commercials, depending on what you're good at. In general, Fiverr boosts new sellers, particularly those who demonstrate high buyer satisfaction early on. Fiverr collects public reviews (star ratings) and private and anonymous feedback from buyers. The private reviews carry more weight than the public ratings, and consistently delivering outstanding work will likely result in positive feedback, which in turn will give you the momentum you need to get past the "newbie stage". Make efforts to get as much momentum as possible early on. To learn and improve, check out guides by Top Rated Sellers and other professionals on the forum, but be careful, and make sure you vet the sellers before taking their advice. There are lots of pretenders here. Check out their seller profiles and make sure the advice comes from someone who has success themselves. BTW: I love the authenticity of your gig video! You're not pretending to be an American using a cheap TTS voice and you're using humor to draw the buyer in. I like it. It's real and authentic. New sellers take note: this guy is doing it the right way.
  13. As a Top Rated Seller, the experience is pretty much the same as that of other sellers on the platform. Yes, there are advantages, such as faster payouts, faster support, and the TRS badge, which can effectively attract higher-paying clientele. Key factors in doing business as a Top Rated Seller include consistently delivering exceptional quality to meet clients' expectations, excellence in communication and support, and having a good understanding of the Fiverr platform to better assist clients in achieving their objectives. For Top Rated Sellers with challenges in managing their workload, the approach is the same as that of other sellers: adjust pricing with demand. I work less now that I'm a Top Rated Seller, yet my revenue has increased. The objective is to work smarter, not harder. And all of this is just as relevant if you're a new seller, level 1 seller, or level 2 seller. Becoming a TRS is not a magic pill that will automatically give you more work. If you get the badge you have to earn it. To keep it, you have to earn it.
  14. Your placement in search results is not permanent. It's based on how relevant Fiverr thinks your gig is for each individual search, your performance, and that of your competitors. In other words, your gig will move around the search results. This is just a part of how Fiverr works.
  15. Yes, it can affect your visibility on Fiverr negatively. It would be best if you tried to avoid cancellations whenever possible. Make sure you manage expectations with your buyer before, during, and after an order has been made, and have a complete outline of what you'll do (and not do) before starting. That way, you can avoid most cancellations due to misunderstandings. Your completion rate is calculated as a percentage of completed gigs in the past 60 days, and you can see that on your Seller Dashboard. To get it back up to 100% again, you'll need to complete new orders and avoid future cancellations.
  16. It's always a good idea to read the terms one agrees to. I suggest you get in touch with support. It might be a bug. At the moment, it seems you have no active gigs on the platform. You can reach out to support here: Help & Support | Fiverr
  17. We have to face the fact that Fiverr is not just a place for truly talented people to shine, but also a dumping ground for the talentless leeches of the world to stay online 24/7, so we don't have to. 🙂
  18. As a courtesy to other forum members who don't speak Bengali, including a translated version of your post when writing in your language is considered a nice thing to do. That way, we don't have to go on Google Translate to check. By the way, I finally figured out why so many people call Fiverr "Fiber". It's what Google translate calls it when translating from Bengali! Yey! Answers! As for your question: You violated the terms by using another person's ID. Those terms are not new: it has always been against the terms and the whole idea of the verification system on Fiverr is to verify your ID, not someone else's.
  19. No. It's not possible. You have to wait. I suggest working on your English skills in the meantime and coming back when the test is available to you again. If you've failed once, you should probably improve your skills before trying again; else, you risk failing the test a second time.
  20. I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question. Could you try rephrasing it?
  21. Yeah, this has been an on/off problem for me as well. It usually helps to manually click the "Read" button (the small envelope on the side of the message), but sometimes I have to do it multiple times. I told the product managers at Fiverr about this issue long ago. Still, they seem more interested in messing with the search results, completely re-designing it by removing our thumbnails and videos, rounding corners, and changing the pricing info on gig cards. 🤣
  22. No, it's not a warning. It's a notification to read the new and updated community standards. I suggest you do so, because it might contain important information to help you stay out of trouble! 🙂 But rest assured: we all got it, and it's not a warning.
  23. That's because "staying active" and spamming social media with your gigs won't make your business successful. Did you have a genuine business plan when you got started on Fiverr? Did you research the different verticals to learn about market demand? Success on Fiverr entails surpassing some of the most dedicated, hard-working sellers on the platform – people who have already invested significant effort into building a reputation here. You're in some of the most competitive verticals on Fiverr. To win that game, you need to bring some serious value to the table. Best of luck!
  24. Thousands of other users have asked the same question on the forum before you. Try reading some of the guides made by top sellers on the platform and learn how Fiverr works by doing your own research.
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