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Everything posted by danno1950

  1. lol - yes, Vickie. I'll hope, but be realistic - my expectations have been greatly lowered since the introduction of this Brief Matching feature!
  2. Yes, Vickie, I do report them. Great insight - it sure seems to be stretching my patience trying to get better matches. If buyers don't get matches, I'm sure they'll have to go back to organic searches, since Buyer Requests are being phased out. Which sort of confirms my suspicion that at least so far, this process is a bust. Great to hear Vickie! I'm glad it's working for someone. I'll leave the feature activated, and hope!
  3. Got it. I see the distinction - the number has stayed steady, but just more questionable-looking briefs.
  4. Interesting, Vickie. You were having a solid stream of good briefs a while back. I've noticed a lot more "do my homework" and "I need work" briefs as well - hopefully they'll figure out a way to weed those out.
  5. Update: I seem to have the "slow to train" segment of AI. I'm getting a lot of briefs daily, but it's been several weeks since I got an actual match. The rest of the briefs I get only have "writer" in common with what I do. I saw signs that gave me hope for a bit, but now, I'm back to thinking the brief matching process is a bust.
  6. I completely agree, and this states the case very clearly.
  7. Well darn! I'm still getting "junk mail" briefs. I've been Teaching The AI for about a month, and I'm seeing no improvement. I'll keep trying!
  8. I passed this list of refinements we would like to see included in the Briefs process to my SM, and asked that she forward it to the team working on this feature.
  9. I have been set up for that option, but I'm like Vickie, I don't think it would be all that helpful for my gigs. It's intended to develop a connection with a potential buyer, and answer the questions they might have pre-order. The part that dimmed the light for me was that I would then "have 5 days to write up a summary of the consultation." Seems like it's a lot of work on my side, and I'm not sure buyers would be willing to pay enough to make it worth my while. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just didn't feel strongly enough that I needed this feature to give it a whirl. I was approved in the "Writing Advice" new category, so I set up a gig there for consultations, but it hasn't received any traction so far. Sorry, I totally missed this response. Thanks so much for doing that. We can leave the title the way it is. 😀
  10. Great that the program does have that feature.
  11. Awesome suggestions, Vickie! 5) The ability to set more criteria than price. 6) The ability to set different prices for different categories. 7) The ability to add gig extras. 8} The ability to add an expiration date for an offer we make. 9) Custom Offer templates, which we can then personalize for each buyer. I think I'm going to let this list sit around for a while, and see what other suggestions we get. Then I'll compile them all and send them to my SM.
  12. Maybe we can compile a list of things we'd like to see to improve the brief process, and take it to our SMs to pass along to the design team. If this is going to replace Buyer Requests, it does need some improvement. So far, I see: 1) A place to see all of the brief offers we have made. 2) The ability to sort by types of offers. 3) The ability to see all of the briefs we have been sent. So far, we can only go back about 4 days. 4) Some type of Brief dashboard or common area (maybe under the Business dropdown) where we can see all the tools we mentioned in 1-3. What else? 😀
  13. That's a great idea, wish it were so. I think they have several areas that need improvement. I had a buyer respond to a message I had sent after a week. I realized I could only scroll back 4 days to see the briefs I had been sent.
  14. Positive signs on the briefs front for me. I've actually now had several which fit my services. I've sent inquiry messages on a couple of the briefs. Right now I am waiting on a response to a Custom Offer I submitted to one buyer. I was rejecting all briefs because they weren't close to what I offer for about a month, so this is a very hopeful sign.
  15. Awesome idea! Informing the users doesn't appear to be a strong suit for the Fiverr teams.
  16. It sure seems like it would be efficient to set up a group email to "All Seller Plus." It sure would save on a lot of the confusion this sporadic announcement has caused. It feels like this announcement was a bit premature.
  17. Great confirmation, Vickie - thank you! 😀
  18. Agreed! The brief feature is beginning to work for me, but very slowly.
  19. It's more than we had! 😀 Thanks for the update!
  20. If the user base dropped off by 2/3, and the revenues stayed steady or even began to climb, I think the shareholders would gladly accept that tradeoff.
  21. Just in case this might get read and move the conversation, I replied to a Micha Kaufman tweet about "being innovative in the workplace."
  22. @mjensen415, could you read the last several entries on this thread, and maybe pass them along to the appropriate parties. It appears that some reputable sellers have been talking about a full pay site for Fiverr for a while, and the interest in doing so is building some momentum. In the interest of growing Fiverr as a platform, it seems to be a viable option to consider.
  23. Great way to phrase it! Unnecessary noise is precisely the pain that other sellers have to deal with. With a full on pay site, we could eliminate this type of seller clutter that holds back the platform.
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