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How long did it take to make your first $100

Guest virtualast007

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Hi FIVERR family,

To encourage ourselves, can we all say how long it took you to make first $100 on FIVERR.

Hi FIVERR family, To encourage ourselves, can we all say how long it took you to make first $100 on FIVERR.

Hi , virtualast007

There is many factors are effecting in making first 100$ . If you follow this few points you can make 100$ in just 1 or 2 day even maximum in 1 week.

Note : This suggestion is based on my experiences. I don’t know how much time it’s maximum take.

Here is few points you can follow every single order and overall in your fiverr gig selling progress.

  • Read fiverr policy , Terms & Conditions more then 3 time and understand it well , ( if required print out via printer and get handy ) it useful to handle fake / scheme buyer and very useful when some scheme buyer come to hire you. You can save your self from different situations that usually happen with major sellers.

  • Provide services that you are confident about. That you can provide best of your best to your customer & understand customers requirements . Deliver order once you both party are satisfied. Do not send order delivery without know what customer expect from you. That can create bad situation for you .

  • Show your top notch projects / portfolio to your customer. Add portfolios that is your best of best . Though portfolio they can hire you as that is best way to impress / earn trust. Accept order once you understand & Clear project requirements / discussion with customer via messages.

  • Most Important : Do not do chat communication with your buyer , ( 1 on 1 messages , instant messages in fiverr messages ) , Reply with clear explanation . ask everything in just 1 or 2 messages when project is on communication / discussion stage. Explain to your customer what you can do and what you can’t in 1 or 2 message.

  • Make gig description very clear and understandable . Upload portfolio images with good quality . Make sure do not use any images that is not your copyright ! When you write your gigs description make sure your all most impotent skill points cover.

Note : During freelancing starting days , You need to prepare for your self for great work , take time to learn your skill if required , but poor service not going to impress customer in any way , In fiverr there is lot’s things between 5 star rating and money so do not give first priority to $$ , Give priority to your skill , customer satisfaction . And once you understand this few factors you make good income automatic . not just first 100$ , you can earn lot’s if you are real pro.

Kind Regards

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$100 in about 3 weeks.
$500 in the first 60 days.

When I started we could only do $5.00 gigs until we reach level 2.

3 Parts to a good launch!

  1. I would suggest doing for $5.00 what your competition is doing for $25-$50.
  2. Do 24 hour Deliveries
  3. Focus on selling 5 star experiences. Use your work as an opportunity to sell a 5 star experience.
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