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Why did you leave Fiverr?


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Whether for a short time, or forever, as a buyer or a seller, why did you leave Fiverr?

Personally, I just recently took a long term leave from Fiverr as a seller and will probably not be coming back for at least a few months. Why, might you ask? My sales were getting larger and more frequent than ever, and I was the busiest I’d ever been!

And that was the problem. I was so incredibly busy, that I was unable to devote any time to my gigs or my customers. I heavily utilized the message template feature not out of a wish to improve my messaging, but because I lacked the time to write personalized messages to my buyers. I had spent the previous year enhancing and ramping up my Fiverr game, but come this fall, I realized that I needed something more to pay the bills. A full-time job came my way and with that and school, I ended up with almost 3 full-time commitments.

This was, of course, absolutely impossible to maintain. I took a week long “vacation” from Fiverr over Thanksgiving, and enjoyed the ease of mind so much I extended it for a month, and another month, then indefinitely. I still was a full-time student and a full-time employee, which was crazy enough, but I finally had space to workout, do homework, and sleep.

I still use Fiverr as a buyer, but I probably won’t start Fiverr again until I’m out of school or have stopped working. I still enjoy using Fiverr and look forward to participating in the newly enhanced forums though!

So with that, what’s your story?


I went to school, trained as a diplomat, got turned off the idea by some of the most intelligent people I’ve ever known, and have since worked as a vagrant on any site that pays me, living where I want.

You don’t know the future. My advice? It’s just a bit of paper. You gave up Fiverr because it was the least rewarding of your external stressors. That’s fine. But you can’t claim that you have peace of mind or are giving your best effort when you’re a FT student and worker, while still using Fiverr for the occasional cashgrab.

If I were you, I would finish the degree and flee to a cheap country to escape the bullshit. That’s essentially what I did, although it didn’t work out that smoothly. But hell, you’re not out of college yet and you’re already talking about da man.

Just run away. Simple.


I went to school, trained as a diplomat, got turned off the idea by some of the most intelligent people I’ve ever known, and have since worked as a vagrant on any site that pays me, living where I want.

You don’t know the future. My advice? It’s just a bit of paper. You gave up Fiverr because it was the least rewarding of your external stressors. That’s fine. But you can’t claim that you have peace of mind or are giving your best effort when you’re a FT student and worker, while still using Fiverr for the occasional cashgrab.

If I were you, I would finish the degree and flee to a cheap country to escape the bullshit. That’s essentially what I did, although it didn’t work out that smoothly. But hell, you’re not out of college yet and you’re already talking about da man.

Just run away. Simple.

😛 Don’t know about fleeing, but you can bet next month’s revenue I’ll be travelling for sure. I don’t sell on Fiverr currently, and only buy when I’m doing a favor, rarely as a cashgrab. I got a frankly amazing job in IT, which I’ll be scaling down to part-time for the future, and I guess I should have said “had peace of mind from that specific stressor”

But in any case, thanks for the advice! Planning on getting a degree/minor in Entrepreneurship, so who know’s where that’ll take me.


shakes head

@misscrystal diplomacy is daggers in the dark. I rejected that. There were more than 2 Russian ambassadors who met Death that night.

But no, let's get to OP. 1) who cares about the education. Why are you wasting time on this forum? U so busy und clever. u learn all. That's why you took an entrepreneur (minor) degree. You're just too smart. Look how excited we all are. IS this your market research?

D00d. see you in the 'Mai. And you're PT, not FT, and you will burn out. compliments alone do not a life make. You're young, dumb and full of... bullshit?

I know a lot of people like you. They fail. The bullshit drags them down.

Yes I was wondering why get a degree in entrepreneurship if you drop out of fiverr?

I was an entrepreneur in college and never stopped being one.

I think you would have made a great diplomat btw. Although tact isn’t one of your strong points, you have a way with words that is very engaging.

You can probably be tactful when you need to also.


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