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I'm a one year old "new" member!

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I’m sort of new to Fiverr, well I’ve been a member for over a year and I’ve bought a couple of gigs here over the last year… but last week Sunday I published a few gigs and I made a $40 on my first day.

Seriously I published a gig, went shopping and got home and saw my first order which was so exciting.

Since then I have sold 9 gigs, so yes Fiverr has seriously made me sit up and take notice.

I am keen on checking out the Fiverr Academy to see if that benefits me.

I just thought I would say hi to everyone and see what is happening in the forums here since I have never bothered having a look before.

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Hi, Lynne! Welcome to seller-side of Fiverr. I’m so happy to hear you’ve had success early on. It took me awhile to get my first few orders. I’m glad they’ve come your way so quickly. Keep it up! If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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Great start! Yes, keep at it, I started like ‘oh, neat, let´s try this for a month or two and see if I can go to starbucks without bad conscience then’, but it worked much better than I´d thought, got level 1 and now level 2 seller in the minimum time without even really trying for it. If you have gigs that people really need and deliver quality and on time, I think chances are very good that it´s worth your time. 🙂 And the forum has loads of good tips and valuable info. Good luck and much success and fun!

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Thanks for your support 🙂

Yes I just need one more order now to reach Level 1 and it has been a breeze, so I am quite excited.

I had no idea that Fiverr was so huge, honestly. Yes I have bought some things here but I never thought I would be able to really make money myself selling gigs.

It really was a pleasant surprise to see the orders come rolling in.

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Hello lynnehuysamen,

Congrats to your Success. Quality work always gets best priority. Hope you get more order soon because you are a Smart Marketer.Thanks just Go Ahead. 🙂


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Thank you! I just want one more for now so I can level up to Level 1 which would be an amazing achievement in less than one month.

I’m really enjoying the process here, its more than about the money for me since my blogs are already providing me with a full time income… but it is always lovely to add in another side income isn’t it?

I’m sure this will add a nice chunk of income soon.

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