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Response Rate Lowered

Guest kyeh1124

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Guest kyeh1124

Hello, to start off with, I’ve only finished one order before, and that went very well. Recently, I’ve received another order for another gig, I answered all the messages I’d received with a 12-hour break in between at one point (but only because my Fiverr app signed me out without me knowing until later on) So I was wondering, is it because of the 12 hour gap in between that my response rate lowered? I used to be at 100%, but I’ve dropped down to 67%, and that is a HUGE drop.

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I believe that’s the reason, however know that buyers only see how fast you usually respond, like within 5 hours, etc. But the percentage is only seen by you. I do think it can affect other things within Fiverr, but buyers don’t see it. If I’m wrong, someone please correct me. Thanks!

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Most often, this is due to spam messages. They are automatically removed by Fiverr, but sometimes you see artifacts, such as dropping your response rate. You can contact CS for that, they help you out with ease – as long as you did always respond to all non-flagged new messages within 24 hours; if you answered once, the following messages don’t count for this rate, only the first.

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Guest voicetex

Remember when we had that huge Spam-message issue a few weeks ago?
I have always answered every message (except for those marked as spam, obviously) within 1 hour. My rate is at 67% even though I asked CS to set my % back to 100 after the Spam attack.
It worked for about 3 days.
Don’t worry about, just keep going and answer messages when you get them.

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Lol, I had a fight with CS one time because they always set it back to 100% for me and one day I had someone who said that this wasn’t possible.

I explained to them that it makes no sense if I can’t reply as the spammer is blocked and then get punished for not being able to reply. They made a very long discussion out of t and every since I just ignore the response rate. I know for myself that I response fast enough.

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Guest capitalquality

CS reset my response rate recently after an inexplicable drop, and the algorithm is obviously generally useless, but I’m also curious whether it’s impacted by ‘lost’ messages. I’ve had evidence of messages not getting through to me from clients so I wonder how many of these I just don’t know about and if the response rate changes are actually indicating a % of lost messages.

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Guest kyeh1124

CS has reset my response rate after I had contacted them. Thankfully they are a lot kinder than other CS experiences I had in the past. (Unrelated to Fiverr, Fiverr CS really shocked me with their kind and apologetic attitude)

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Guest henrikblunck

Well, it’s quite funny. I had a request from Scott Langston. Finished the job, and then the guy doesn’t click an order - but is apparently a freebie seeker, because he was more than willing to ask for more work, but that doesn’t give a click for the first job well fulfilled. This system is awful when it comes to freebie seekers, and cheats people from both work AND money when this happens… What a shame! 🙂

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My response rate suddenly lowered to 67% or something, within a period of 15 minutes or so while I was AFK and I had replied to all and any messages I got very soon, no idea how that happened, and it´s not as if I´d lost the overview of ‘all’ the messages, I´m just here since a few days and didn´t have to keep track of too much.
Now to hope the non reaction of my one buyer to the nudging to meet the requirements won´t lower another rate.
Oh well.

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Guest henrikblunck

No, he sent a request, and asked for an offer. I explained he could click the offer and when he wanted more than the original 350 word minimum with a 1000 word article with screen dumps, I offered he could ask for one revision - thus giving a fair price. Then he proceeded after praising the work to ask for a second assignment, and when I said he hadn’t paid for the first assignment, his assistant now changed name, and I decided long ago I won’t begin working on assignment 2 before BOTH are paid, because this is first a waste of time and then it was even due to the hurricane that he and his assistant aren’t online - even though anyone can access the internet from anywhere. Smells fishy.
Hope this explained it better. 🙂

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