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Fiverr Tips: How To Make Use Of Buyer Request To Get Sales On Fiverr

Guest bluepenn

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Guest bluepenn

If you’re a new seller on fiverr spending hour after hour without any sales, then I highly recommend you to use fiverr buyer request. Well, I’d like to call it a Gold Mine. If you can make proper use of it, you can easily crank up your Fiverr business. So, how to make proper use of the Buyer request? Well, below I’m going to explain it. So take your time and keep reading.

Well, you probably noticed that Buyer request section is too much messy and highly trafficked. So if you want to get some orders using it, you really have to be smart than your fellow sellers. So How To Be?
Stay Logged in on Fiverr
Try your best to stay logged in on fiverr so you can make request before other sellers do. You may be surprised to know that buyers usually knock those persons who make quick request.

Make a Portfolio
Most of the buyers ask for a sample work before placing an order, right? So try to invest your hours in making a professional portfolio. You can also set up a portfolio blog using Wordpress where you can update your best works.

Gig Description
Give your gig description a virtual voice so it can talk to a buyer, convince client, and turn a visitor into your customer. Mention everything you’re offering, tell your buyers why they should order your gig, why you are best than other, what extra facilities you will offer them. More importantly, use some promising lines at the bottom of your gig description. You’ll surely be amazed at the result of using promising lines in your description. You can check out my gigs to find out how I’ve made use of promising lines.

Starting a successful fiverr business is always an uphill task. So just keep calm, spend time on forum, and work on. Hopefully you can make enough sales in no time.

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Thank you so much for your tips!

>>> Try your best to stay logged in on fiverr so you can make request before other sellers do.
If you’re logged in, how do you get notifications when a new request is posted?

How do you sort the buyer requests? (by date / by price)

Thank you.

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Hello ! I find this post really useful,Buyer Requests can greatly help new sellers. But I have a question. Do you think it’s better to write a very short (thus not detailed) message to be one of the first or take time to write a nice message but arrive after 15 other sellers ? Or maybe have a template you send to every buyer after adding a little something to show that you understood what they need.

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I normally writes the buyers requests offers in two paragraphs.
1st Paragraph: About MySelf(Template part).
2nd Paragraph: What I will do for them(Personalised).

Maintaining the ratio of 1:3 in these paragraphs also helps a lot.

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I have been here for over a week, and I send a tons of offers in buyers requests section, and I got nothing 😦 I don’ t know what to do. If someone of the older members, that already have been in this or similar situation, can check my profile or say something that will be useful, I will be really thankful to that person(S).

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As a buyer my top tip for sellers responding to requests is to prove to the requester that you have actually read their request by referring to some of the important requirements of the request.

If I read a response simply saying something like “I can do your work” I dismiss it and move to the next.

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I picked up my first order from buyer requests after joining less than a week ago. After a little discussion about the clients requirements A custom offer was created and so I’m very happy to have a sale so quickly with a 5 star review.
This, I hope, will put me on the right path.
I submitted to several buyer requests, but so far only one responded (the one I described already).

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I’m very new here, so I don’t know for sure, but seeing as you attach a reference to one of your gigs when making an offer/responding to a request I personally think that’s all you should do.
In my case the buyer responded to my offer and asked me for samples/examples of my work that were in context with the work he was requiring.
I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t push too hard anyway. If someone asks I give them all the info they want because I know they are actively interested. Otherwise I’m probably wasting their time.
Works for me anyway!

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  • 2 months later...

Way I used to do it is offering really cheap service for requested job, for example something that’s worth 20, 30 $ I’ve done for 5, hell I’ve even built 5+ pages websites for 25$. Also, make sure work that you do get is done quality and go for that extra mile in making customer happy. This will help you build your reputation and portofolio and make some progress in this Fiverr quest. It can be tiresome, but if you keep doing it, you’ll get bigger projects, that require less work and pay more.

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