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Gig Packages


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The whole point of gig packages is to allow sellers to have the ability to customize their services – in package form. Since gig packages are meant to be customized, there is no one way to use them effectively. Play around with the feature. Customize. Create. Present your services. Try a few things and see what works best for YOU.

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I’ve already submitted a ticket, but I am hoping I can get a faster answer here. My gig for Digital Marketing -> Social Media Marketing keeps freezing when I click save and continue. I’ve made it out of the overview phase a couple of times only to have the same thing happen and get stuck on pricing. I am not over any character limits or using any restricted characters and all required fields and boxes have been addressed. Is there a server side problem ATM? or is it me?

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Two of three Gigs™ are listed in the “Press Releases” sub category, and that category is part of the group that has packages. Basically, I reflected on some of my most successful completed orders… looked at the ones where my clients really loved the experience, and ones where I really loved the experience… and then set my packages to include the extras and quantities that those completed orders had.

At the time when I was thinking about using the package feature for the first time, clients were frequently approaching me for larger projects via custom offer requests. The packages I set up basically eliminated a couple of steps between them finding my profile/Gigs™ and purchasing.

TL;DR – base your packages off of what you’re clients are already ordering.

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