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No jobs at fiverr!


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Fiverr does provide a platform but it might be sad to say that the ‘old fishes’ have overtaken it like all the other freelance communities, newbie’s are trying to swim the pool but getting nowhere. Someone making great graphics project is not taken seriously because they are new and are only good for 5$ jobs. While the same stuff would be worth 50-100$ because an old Fiverrer made it.

Seller Levels are a good measure for old users but fall short at determining a newbie’s skill, thus restricting him. I would request fiverr community to make an evaluation platform for all users to test their skills so they can know where they stand. By doing this anyone can at-least analyse their skill depth. Even if people give many solutions for new fiverrer, Problems will always be there. After all the more you try, the more you know. At least trying such a thing would not hurt.

Thanks . MAS Designs

Correction for readers:
1.There is no criticism to fiverr. It’s common perception from newbie’s. (Not specifically me i did a personal evaluation of 11 individuals through social media)
2.The evaluation procedure i mentioned here would not be like basic English tests. It’s like a competition through which buyers can know the sellers skill.


Are you willing to pay for this kind of test because it will cost money to organize?

Judging by the number of people who ask me to do their English test on Freelancer, I don’t think there is much value to these kind of tests.

I started 6 months ago and was level 2 within 3 months and now I work here full time, others have done it more quickly. It takes hard work and effort along with a willingness to initially do a lot of work for less money than you deserve.

Have you promoted yourself outside of Fiverr? If yes, then you are not doing it enough/correctly.

Welcome to the real world, you don’t always get what you (think you) deserve.


Don’t be so mean, Eoin. This is a special little snowflake. Your’re just, I dunno, a chancer or something.

OP: you are boring and this complaint will rank really high on Google. You’re basically advertising that no-one will hire you. Well done!



  1. Very right about the tests,yes off course a lot of online tests are available. I was not exactly asking an English test or something like an evaluation test i was asking some sort of competition test .
  2. Yeah you might be an extra-ordinary example of good businessman or i can say highly professionalism. But for a average person who got good skills and really don’t know how to cash it.
    3.For your third point i myself said "The more you try more you get"
    4.Personally i have tried,but most of the people i would say 80 percent(leaving extra ordinary talents) must have tried something for their promotion. might be you are right it is not that enough to get me customer here.
    5.Last but not least… Life is bitter reality

This guy has been on Fiverr for about 60 days (roughly the same amount of time as you) and is now a level 2 seller. Check his post here…
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

From Newbie straight to Level 2 Seller

Hello Fiverrer's! I would like to share my experience with Fiverr with you and provide some tips for Newbies, as well (maybe) for experienced sellers. Sorry in advance for my English, I will do my best. ? I started on Fiverr about two months ago. I...

Maybe your lack of success is not the fault of the “old fish”, Fiverr, bad luck etc.


First sale in 60 days is pretty good in illustration categories, i was a member for almost 2 years before i made my first sale here. In all fairness though i didn’t spend enough time observing testing and advertising back then as i was way too busy with my other freelancing ventures.


(I would request fiverr community to make an evaluation platform for new users to test their skills so they can know where they stand.
Talking about tests is another thing that is not so admirable. Reason being, Not many freelancers will be willing to do those tests. Just market your gigs, if you get 5 to 7 clients, make them happy and they will become your regular clients as you keep waiting for other clients.
Good luck


I understand with your point. no one hire new seller because buyer watch the other sellers who have lots of positive reviews STARS…if i am buyer then i also choose the best person for my requirement, But Fiverr Should take some step or at least… take some competition for new sellers and choose one from them and recommend on First page of searching in that category. Just an idea… and may be some other steps…


I got my Level 2 Status in about 45 Days. I started working Properly from the Start of the January and in the Mid-Feb i was a Level 2. As You are a New Seller first of all Your Rates are High. No One Trust on a New Guy with High Rates so Lower The Rates.
Are you using the Buyer request Feature? If no then use it. Write your Quote by Your Own words(No Copy/paste) Slowly and Gradually you will do it. You have to provide Some extra work to Build up the Reviews and the Levels. Hope this Helps


Hey miss! I am not talking about basic tests. It’s just like if someone want to go ahead in a competition or not. Beside there is very limited criteria for skill evaluation only 3 levels isn’t a real criteria. It might be my possible I am totally wrong in my perception. Thanks


Hah Emma you know your art very well. I can’t beat you in writing. But accept the bitter reality of the big fishes. yet there is no personal criticism involved in it.


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