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Milestone: Competed 150 Reviews with 100% Rating. Few TIPS


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Guest emankhan

Well, actually, no. Negative reviews aren’t good. If you’re getting negative reviews, then something has gone seriously wrong either in your communication with the buyer or in your delivery of the agreed upon service. But in the event that you do get a Really Awful Review, you can make it work for you. When new buyers visit your gig, they’re ALWAYS going to look at your reviews, and will ALWAYS look for negative reviews. That means that if you have a particular message you want to be certain that buyers see, you can attach it to a negative review. Now, don’t lie or bad-mouth the buyer, because – no matter how much the buyer deserved it – it still makes you look hostile (and no buyer wants to do business with a hostile seller.) Instead, focus on being professional and apologize that for the buyer’s experience. Demonstrate that you would have made it right if the buyer had given you the opportunity to do so. This is your first chance to make an impression on your future buyers: act professionally and you should be able to recover.

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Like many people above, if I deliver an order late, even if it is due to lack of the buyer’s communication, I still wait and deliver it. Either way, delivering late or canceling the order may potentially affect my seller rating and I have to live with that. I have ordered one gig where someone delivered me a pic of themselves rather than a video I ordered and it really upset me. I won’t use her again, just because she is a top rated seller and i think that is really unfair. she had 10 days to complete the order for a 30 second video.

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I think it should be judged on case to case basis. 10 days to complete 1 30 second video is more than enough I think even for a TRS. In my case delivery time is 1 or 2 days so almost 100% buyers understand my situation whenever i asked them to wait for 1 more day.

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Tips 1 and 4 are great. I do feel I have to reiterate a point that many people have made on this forum post about tip 3 and ask a question about tip 2 though.

Forgetting the fact that it’s against Fiverr terms of service to deliver empty. As a buyer I would be happy to do a mutual cancellation and start the order again if a buyer sent me a message detailing that there is a problem delivering.

What I would not be happy with though, is a seller delivering empty with an excuse, even if it is a good reason.

@ilovenish: You should stop doing this.

@okane01: You should not start doing this.

How do you think refreshing the Fiverr page is going to help exactly?

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As I already mentioned I asked customer support about this and they said in emergency situation you can deliver the order formally to save ratings and send files next day (in my case). Doing it once a year is not a problem.

Auto refresh keeps you online on fiverr.

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Two Days ago my regular buyer give me order… And i honestly say him. Dear i’m not able to do this job For you. If you want 100% Money back then I’m ready to give you… He say yes, I want money back. And i cancel order And give him 100% money back. He was very impressed with my this behaviour… thanks… 🙂

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