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How to maintain my Response rate 100%?


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I am getting several spam messages from other Fiverr Sellers & Buyers.

They reply each time without any reason. I don’t how to maintain my response rate 100%.

Please share your views.

Thanks in Advance!


Response rate are only for new contacts. So if somebody contacts you for the first time you need to respond in 24 hours.

So if X seller sends you a message and is not the first one… will not count

dexblog said: Response rate are only for new contacts. So if somebody contacts you for the first time you need to respond in 24 hours.


So if X seller sends you a message and is not the first one.. will not count

That is good answer, But i have a problem in 24 hours, my record time to respond my inbox is late 6 hours, but response rate still going down :))

Reply to @ayunaa: I can’t answer the original post since my response rate goes down even if I get no messages and do nothing. What I can tell you is that mine goes up when I do get a real message and answer it. I think that response rate is semi-broken due to issues with spam that you see (but can’t answer) and spam that you never see (caught in a spam filter) and other factors that I don’t know about.

All I know to tell you is that if you get real messages answer them as soon as you can. If response rate remains broken or just doesn’t help anyone in any way, contribute to this thread with likes or comments: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/65356/petition-to-remove-039response-rate039-active-thread

I personally (as a buyer and seller - not as a moderator) am against the Response Rate feature since it doesn’t seem to work and doesn’t seem to do anything useful. Other than all that, I can’t keep mine at 100% no matter what I do, so that’s my own answer.


We’d all love to know how to maintain 100% LOL. I’ve had to ask CS to fix it 5 times in a week because it was dropping for no reason, much like all the other users on here, it’s well known that it’s broken, which is why there’s a petition to have it removed altogether! 🙂

Guest jasminerose1

reply early only for those who are contacting you first time


I think at this point so many people are having problems with their response rate,
people will are starting to ignore them and not care at all!

Mine is stuck at 91% even after I’ve replied to everything including those spam messages
( I simply replied do not spam), but still I can’t go back to 100%. I’ve given up at this point,
hopefully my buyers won’t pay much attention to that number either!


As others have mentioned, I think it is near impossible to keep a 100% response rate, especially when spam comes through and the sender is blocked. You cannot reply but it seems to affect the response rate.

I really do not see the benefit of this feature, it does more harm than good. Hopefully Fiverr will remove it soon.


I am maintaining it to 100%. when i get spam message i just put in spam and because if you put in spam it is also count as response. (this info i get from fiverr support). when it down to 99% i contact to support to restore my response rate do to spam. and they do.


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