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First breakthrough on Fiver

Guest shannonbullman

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Guest shannonbullman


At what point after starting your fiver account did you finally have a breakthrough and start having a steady stream of sales. What did you do different that led you to that point?

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The more sales you complete. The more steady it gets. The repeat customers is what you are looking for. It will never be as steady as a paycheck. It’s self employment. Mine fluctuates about 50%. But it really works. I think it takes about 100 completed orders for me to get a single gig off the ground. You continue to tweak and adjust the description until it’s just right.

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You should create other gigs, Fiverr is like fishing, you need different rods with different baits. One gig might be about travel writing, another gig could be travel advice, travel hotels, or even something not related to travel. What you don’t want to do is clone your own gigs unless we’re talking about completely different types of travel.

For example, I have headlines for Teespring and headlines in general because the people that need headlines for T-shirts are different than the ones that need headlines for web banners, billboards, etc.

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I got my first sale within a week 1/2 of joining. After that I have about 1 sale a day (I am in legal and business consulting so we don’t get crazy sales each day, but we get much more than $5 per sale). I was so grateful that someone took a chance on me. I have tweaked my gigs a bit by combining some similar gigs and getting rid of some that were just taking up space, but all in all, my offers aren’t extremely different from when I started. I have learned some lessons about the deadlines I give (who wants to review and edit a complicated 15 pg. legal contract after working full-time, cooking dinner, putting your 5 year old to be etc.) all because you put a 24 hr. turn around time on a gig?? I’ve never turned anything in late but I have learned from some sleepless nights LOL! I just made it to level 1 today.

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It really is like fishing but it works like anything does when working. You start out at the bottom and work your way up. I started three years ago with little success. Now I am about number three in recommended in my particular gig niche. It’s not uncommon for me to get twenty messages a day or 5-10 gigs ordered on any given day. Your reputation is everything on this site so protect it! Deliver the best work you can and when you feel burned out, take a rest and come back later. The worst thing you can do is pressure yourself. Work at your gig and make it so it works for you and the buyer. Soon you will see you have more work than you anticipated, your skillset will improve and your success will too. Best of luck to you!

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Guest volodymyrpro7

How many orders did you complete? I see that we started to work on this site from February, 2015. I personally started on 20th of February. I completed 9 orders, but now I don’t have any for almost 6 days…

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Guest volodymyrpro7

Reply to @d_seogirl: They changed something… Before these stupid updates, I registered and started to get orders. Then I was experiencing these stupid bugs all the time. Now, for almost a week I didn’t receive a single order.

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Reply to @timelyservices:

I really don’t promote at all. maybe once in a while put out a tweet or reminder on my Facebook maybe once every two weeks, but to my knowledge they aren’t shared. I have however considered advertising and going SEO from what I am reading on here but I am nervous that if I do I may get overwhelmed…

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