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The mutual cancellation sucks. Fiverr read this please!


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Fiverr has to change the rules for the mutual cancellation because when I have ordered a gig for many days and the seller cancel the order 4 hours before the delivery time it sucks. We have wasted the time waiting for nothing. Fiverr must allow the seller cancel the order only for a limited time “grace period” , for example after a buyer purchase a gig, the seller has 24 hours to cancel but after this time the seller has not this option. In case of express order could be 12 hours the grace period.

The time is money so it is not fair that buyers have to wait days for nothing because the seller cancel the order.

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Can’t have a blanket rule because the reasons may vary. I had a buyer while working on his gig, made numerous changes causing me extra work. I messaged him and told him if he wanted to me finish his gig, please don’t keep making daily changes. It didn’t help. The changes kept coming. With little time left and the buyers endless changes before I even completed the gig, the job was becoming an infinite nightmare.

But the biggest reason this may happen, you have your fellow buyers to thank for. Seller delivers the gig, buyer wants modification, sellers deliver another gig, buyer wants modification. In some cases they ask for modifications 3 or 4 times. Consequently it messes up the scheduling . Understand that 99.9% of the modifications is not because of a mistake on the sellers part, but because the buyer decided they wanted to change something or add something extra. I guess the seller can tell the buyer to take a flying leap, but that means a bad review. You either do the modification or get a 1 star rating.

Sellers don’t want to cancel – they are here to make money. But if the circumstance dictates otherwise and time is running out, the sellers options are (1) do a rush job that he isn’t proud of and you are not happy with (2) let the gig be late and get a fiverr ding or (3) cancel so you can get a refund and hire someone who can complete the project.

Fiverr could solve this by allowing the buyer and seller make a mutual agreement to extend the gig deadline … But no such feature.

I’ll make a deal with you. Do away with the modification button, than we can do away with the mutual cancellation. Deal?

Otherwise I think sellers has as much if not more heartaches with the modification button as buyers do with mutual cancellation. I agree time is money, but buyers don’t seem to think about that when asking for constant modifications that may take days to complete. So maybe the two evens the playing field between buyers and sellers.

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Something the seller even reply our messages but one day before the deadline we receives a notification about the order cancellation. This is a bad business practice. Fiverr has the option of vacation mode so in case the seller is busy he can use the vacation mode to avoid unwanted orders.

I recommend to fiverr the following options:

1-Grace period: The seller can cancel only in this period. In case the seller want to cancel after this period then he will receive a bad feedback or penalization.

2-Busy mode: In case the seller has received many orders or just he is in the beach. He can use the busy mode to avoid unwanted orders.

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Reply to @cubano100: It’s not bad business, it is business. Most sellers don’t want to cancel – they want to make money – but if circumstance dictate otherwise, they are going to do what is best for their business – just like you are going to do what is best for your dollar. It happens all the time. Not only on Fiverr, but outside of Fiverr. Businesses make decisions that is the most cost effective to the health of their business even if they don’t want to do it. When Fiverr makes changes, both seller and buyer adapt and do what is best for their dollar.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest qloudpress

I sell internet marketing and online services which cost hundreds of dollars, so I hate having to say to a client that I want to cancel. But, having done this for the past 15 months, you get a kind of sixth sense develop, and you can tell very quickly which customers are going to be trouble.

I find I often have to cancel because the customer clearly doesn’t understand what he/she is buying, and if I don’t cancel, A) I am going to have to waste my valuable time explaining with dozens of repetative messages, B) they are not going to do what I ask, provide the correct information, or not provide it until the last minute, and C) they are going to be disappointed because what they eventually get is not going to be what they imagined.

So my rule of thumb is always, when my gut tells me this one’s a problem ~ I cancel the order as soon as I can.

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Fiverr doesn’t read Tips for Buyers. Contact Customer Support. I will move your thread to th Suggestion Box, but mutual cancellations are one of the few safeguards for Sellers. If Fiverr removed the option but left the rating system where it could ruin a seller over 1 or 2 confused or angry buyers, Fiverr wouldn’t have any sellers left.

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  • 11 months later...
Guest silkroute

It’s unfair for a buyer to have their time wasted but then the seller doesn’t exactly go scott free if they cancel the order, it affects their rankings in the search results if they cancel their delivery.

I do not agree with the grace period suggestion. One cannot force someone to do something they are not willing or capable to do. If you force a seller to deliver, they will simply deliver crap. In my opinion, an incompetent seller offering a cancellation request is the second most professional thing he could do (first one being delivering a good product on time and worst one being delivering crap and charging money for it).

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