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Resolution Center is not working


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Resolution Center redirects to "The page or Gig you were looking for could not be found."

Usually it leads to a page where you can request for cancellation, but i have checked this option today and i wasn’t able to access this page.

There is something i can do about it?

Am i the only one having this issue?

Good day 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I go to the resolution center it says “contact the seller first here” which is just the standard messaging system that the seller wasn’t responding to in the first place. No way to resolve anything on delivered orders that aren’t complete!

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  • 3 months later...

Oh boy…

This order is late. Delivery was due on 05/05/15 (1 day ago).

I see that this seller has a good reputation. I recommend that you contact the seller. Remember, your seller is only human (unlike me). Humans are known to make mistakes sometimes. If this is not resolved in about 1 hour, I will enable the option for you to cancel the order…

the timer keeps on going up and my seller is not responding…help?

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