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This is why correcting your rating feels hopeless


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It's been several months since fiverr rolled out the new success score and rating system. We were told to just power through it and work on the things that we could correct, in order to fix our rating.

In this time, I have gone above and beyond. I've turned in orders earlier than needed, offered extra stuff for free to clients just to boost their experience, and have had mostly all 5 star reviews. Yet my rating stays unchanged. I reached out to support to ask about about it and now, instead of "keep working on it, it'll go back up" they say "Oh, so your rating is based on everyone in your category and it's pretty stable as is." 

Which to me... Implies that the scores we have are what we will have forever... No matter how hard we try to correct it. It feels so hopeless. I've already had to trade in my car for equity to pay my rent last month lol. There's not much more hope I feel like I have left here.

This is an example of a recent review that I received. Keep in mind that I spent 3 weeks with this client when it should've been 3 days. They explained to me several times that they were so sorry for how much of my time they were taking up. They apologized for not knowing what they wanted. I just continued to smile and say "it's okay, my goal is to get you what you want. Just send me feedback and I'll revise it." He would express how thankful he was for my attention to detail and patience... I am also an English/Arts major from UVM, out of Vermont. The fact that he said I need to work on "Language Fluency" really throws me off.

I feel like his review was driven solely because he tried reaching out to me 4 days after the delivery was approved and I was out of town with family(which I told him about before the delivery) and since I never responded to his message quick enough, he submitted his review a few hours later, with a bit of spite because the things he said I needed to improve on contradict his entire written review....

It's stuff like this that really create a space where sellers just want to give up because we are held to such a higher standard than buyers are. All we get to leave is a 1-5 star rating and a brief message. Buyers get to fill out all of this whole form in great detail and bomb our ratings, on top of filling out a private feedback form that we don't get to see.

I almost guarantee that when he logs in and sees that he gets to fill out his private feedback, he's going to give me a terrible rating all because I was not able to reply to his DM as quickly as he wanted. It just really sucks. I don't get why this is a thing.

Client review 2.png

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