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Not Getting Orders


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  • 2 months later...
35 minutes ago, faysal_h_aneek said:

Can i change my Gig image which is in Ranking? If i can change then it will effect my Gig performance?

Yes, you can change it. If your new gig image is an improvement over the old one, it could positively impact your performance. If it's worse, it might negatively affect you, much like any other marketing effort. If you decide to change your gig image, I recommend doing so with a clear and thoughtful purpose, not just on a whim.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, faysal_h_aneek said:

I am completing continuous project and about to get Level 01 but still i won't receiving any client's message. What's the reason?

That's really tough - I'm sorry about that.

My advice is just to wait it out. I find that my impressions/messages vary massively month-to-month, and even dependent on the time of month.

For example, I often get lots of messages at the start of the month (as people typically have payday at the end of a month, and then have money to spend at the start of the next) - and then no messages in the middle-end of a month.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, faysal_h_aneek said:

Should i open a new fiverr id?

Have you ever read the Fiverr's TOS? New account/second Fiverr account creation is strictly prohibited on Fiverr. So never ever do that.

If you could improve the primary gig image of your all gigs then it would be good. 




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