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Just some feedback for Fiverr itself, service fees---need to be included in quote and SHOWN EARLY.


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So I've sold a little on Fiverr but I'm mainly a buyer.

Often I'll negotiate a custom order or purchase an order only to be slapped with more service fees on top.

Which I couldn't take in consideration because I forgot that FIVERR does that until, it's all settled and I'm ready to pay! How convenient!

Fiverr needs to start adding their service fees to an estimator or something when people are buying gigs AT THE FRONT, and especially when people are creating custom orders.

As a buyer it's just getting under my skin, we're not shown the ACTUAL total beforehand until the very end.

I was about to place a $10 well..they added about $3.xx in fees, so that price it's increasing the cost 30% of what I thought it was.

Come on Fiverr, stop hiding your fees.




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fiverr should definitely do it, as well as clarify that the seller keeps approximately only 80% of the gig price (without the service fee), because now with their "value for money" aspect we sellers are poorly rated because some buyers They think gigs are expensive, but it's because of Fiverr commissions

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Well I can tell you why they do it. They want to discorage cheaper orders, so people buy in bulk. That means more fees from Fiverr. If you are a seller, you know they take $1 from every $5 you earn as a seller. And then they also charge buyers quite a bit in fees. So they are incentivizing people to spend more, because Fiverr's cut will be higher. That's why a lot of people will not be ok with getting a $5 gig, because that has close to $2.5 in fees, if I am not mistaken. But if you spend more as a buyer, the percentage you pay for those fees is less. That's why 🙂 

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Even if it costs less when you spend more, I think the custom offer should show the fees right in the chat. If I set a custom offer to $100 and send it to the buyer, it should display the rate + Fiverr fee and a total line. While it’s not a dealbreaker for most, I’m sure buyers would appreciate seeing the final total in their custom offer or on the gig page, not just on the order page.

What bugs me is that Fiverr does this whole currency conversion thing. That means I'll tell a buyer the price is $100, but they’ll see a different price if they're in the EU because it’ll automatically convert to EUR.

This also gives the buyer a bad exchange rate from Fiverr, and I’ve often told my buyers to set their currency to USD to get the card issuer exchange rate instead of Fiverr’s. I get why they're doing it, but seeing random prices like 46.54 instead of 45 doesn't look nice, it feels random, and it confuses buyers.

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16 minutes ago, smashradio said:

whole currency conversion thing

Ah, you mean when a seller has AUD, a buyer has CAD, and the prices are in USD, but everyone is talking about their own D? 

I mean I avoid this easily enough by saying my quote is in USD and then hopping over to a currency converter to find out whatever the rate is in their local (dollar) currency and then noting that with the extra 5.5% fee it will "probably be around" $ballpark. But still, if the currency is going to be cosmetic only, it should be noted that the other user is viewing stuff in *whatever* and....

Oh hey, I just had another cool AI idea. How about an "AI calculator" (it's not really AI, but buzzwords!) that automatically translates pricing between accounts using different currencies? This is definitely a feature for Seller Plus Premium that everyone will want to pay $100 a month for. Mind you, that adds transparency to the process, which is unfortunate.

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On 4/27/2024 at 9:36 PM, emmaki said:

Ah, you mean when a seller has AUD, a buyer has CAD, and the prices are in USD, but everyone is talking about their own D? 

Yup! I just make sure to always use "USD" when mentioning a price, to avoid confusion. But it still happens from time to time. 

On 4/27/2024 at 9:36 PM, emmaki said:

Mind you, that adds transparency to the process, which is unfortunate.

Can't have that. 

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On 4/27/2024 at 10:35 PM, larissanolanvo said:

So I've sold a little on Fiverr but I'm mainly a buyer.

Often I'll negotiate a custom order or purchase an order only to be slapped with more service fees on top.

Which I couldn't take in consideration because I forgot that FIVERR does that until, it's all settled and I'm ready to pay! How convenient!

Fiverr needs to start adding their service fees to an estimator or something when people are buying gigs AT THE FRONT, and especially when people are creating custom orders.

As a buyer it's just getting under my skin, we're not shown the ACTUAL total beforehand until the very end.

I was about to place a $10 well..they added about $3.xx in fees, so that price it's increasing the cost 30% of what I thought it was.

Come on Fiverr, stop hiding your fees.





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