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Considering Ending my Fiverr Career

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I know a lot of people have had bad experiences since the new level system launched, and I'd like to share mine because I don't see much else like it being discussed. I know people are losing levels left and right, but I was one of the lucky ones. My success score is a 10, the highest you can get, and I'm a level 2 seller. I thought this put me in a safe position, but I've been deeply struggling as well. As far as I can tell, you are given no benefits to being a 10.

My impressions are terrible compared to before the update. I can hardly find my gig in search half the time, which makes me think they changed a lot about how that works, but haven't shared that info with us. We're all left guessing in the dark. I've had only 1 new client this month, and thank goodness a bunch of my repeat buyers showed up. They're the ones keeping my lights on at this point.

I tried promoting my gig for a few weeks, and it made absolutely no difference. Aside from then owing Fiverr money. My income is down overall, and I actually went and got a part time job to make up the difference, because I don't see this changing any time soon. it's unpredictable. I'm miserable because I'm looking for how I can improve, but since I'm already at a score of 10 I'm just given a thumbs up and "You're doing great!" when I'm not.

I'm just feeling very done with this platform. The only reason I'm staying right now is for my returning clients. It is definitely more for them than it is for me. I might give it a couple more months before I decide to leave. Thank you for listening to my rant, for whoever reads this.

Edited by amberlilyreadin
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13 minutes ago, levinewman said:

I'm a $1.4 million earner on Fiverr with max stats and I'm in the same boat. Just wanted you to know you aren't alone.

Thank you for sharing that. I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing the same thing after so much success. 

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3 minutes ago, designwithcalm said:

I wonder where the orders are going then? Or there has been a drastic downfall in the number of buyers on Fiverr. 

There's been a drastic change in buyer volume along with all the negative changes.

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I don't understand how this is benefitting the company at all if even sellers with good stats are getting shafted. I agree there must generally be a smaller buying market. Fiverr already had a shaky reputation before because of how many people felt like they were getting scammed. I imagine that reputation is dipping even further now. I've been seeing a lot of sellers canceling their Fiverr Pro subscriptions as well because it just isn't helpful anymore.

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3 hours ago, designwithcalm said:

I wonder where the orders are going then? Or there has been a drastic downfall in the number of buyers on Fiverr. 

I think the problem is how Fiverr shows us buyers.
If you look, the sellers on the first page take up the majority of the orders. With absurd delivery times, which at first glance makes you realize that they are not people but "agencies". This has always happened, only now with a drop in buyers it affects the rest of us more.

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16 hours ago, amberlilyreadin said:

I know a lot of people have had bad experiences since the new level system launched, and I'd like to share mine because I don't see much else like it being discussed. I know people are losing levels left and right, but I was one of the lucky ones. My success score is a 10, the highest you can get, and I'm a level 2 seller. I thought this put me in a safe position, but I've been deeply struggling as well. As far as I can tell, you are given no benefits to being a 10.

My impressions are terrible compared to before the update. I can hardly find my gig in search half the time, which makes me think they changed a lot about how that works, but haven't shared that info with us. We're all left guessing in the dark. I've had only 1 new client this month, and thank goodness a bunch of my repeat buyers showed up. They're the ones keeping my lights on at this point.

I tried promoting my gig for a few weeks, and it made absolutely no difference. Aside from then owing Fiverr money. My income is down overall, and I actually went and got a part time job to make up the difference, because I don't see this changing any time soon. it's unpredictable. I'm miserable because I'm looking for how I can improve, but since I'm already at a score of 10 I'm just given a thumbs up and "You're doing great!" when I'm not.

I'm just feeling very done with this platform. The only reason I'm staying right now is for my returning clients. It is definitely more for them than it is for me. I might give it a couple more months before I decide to leave. Thank you for listening to my rant, for whoever reads this.

Me too in the same boat.
With the new system I dropped to a score of 4. Now some time later I already have a 10 in my concert. But that didn't help my impressions, they're still terrible. The promoted gigs don't help much either.

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Yeah everything is so frustrating now. Low success score, terrible impressions, terrible clicks, as a result, no orders.

For me, "Effective communication" is affecting me negatively and I don't even know how to improve. Fiverr's guidance looks like it's telling you a lot but actually it's telling you nothing. I believe I've been doing what it says. So? I still "can't" communicate effectively.

Even with some excellent reviews from my repeat buyers + maybe one new buyer, my success score wasn't growing at all.

Can't trust anything anymore.

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2 hours ago, levinewman said:

You're right. It could get even worse! I joke, but honestly, is it a joke?

Exactly. Even if they do fix this by chance, I think it's too little too late for me. My entire opinion of this platform has changed, as it is a prime example of how AI managing is ruining a lot of things. But either way I'll be sticking around until the end of the year.

For anyone who considers leaving Fiverr, I would suggest to keep your seller account until the next tax season, so if you get audited, you'll have proof of your work to show. It's scary seeing some sellers completely deactivating/deleting their accounts, I don't think they thought about taxes before doing so.

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Its the issue right now with most of the sellers.

but I am sure it will alright in some time in future. i am damn sure.

what we can do is have patience, try applying different things, who knows what will work perfectly for the betterment, deliver perfect work and always try to be on time and 100% accurate.

these are big changes and big changes always take time to be fruitful we all will surely say in future IT WAS A GREAT CHANGE AND IT WAS REALLY FOR ALL OF US AND ITS GREAT NOW. everything will be alright in future.

i wish you , myself and everyone good luck.

but never loose hope.

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