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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone. I'm someone who has joined the platform to make this post. I help operate a VRChat community and a common scam we have ran into outside of fiverr are these scammers that pretend they're going to render you a service but instead they scam you giving you nothing or not what you paid for. There's literally hundreds if not thousands of accounts operating on Discord and they invade my Discord server every single day as well as other VRChat Discords in the community.

These accounts aren't fully automated they are able to bypass unique human verification to our server and has intelligent conversation with you when you talk to them in private messages. It's a manually ran operation with automation of account creation, vpns, and multiboxing to aid the person manually working on the scams.

After more investigation we have found they operate on every social media platform, making the same generic accounts, running the same exact scam, if not more of other types of scams, and they are operating on fiverr. They operating so much on fiverr in fact they are overflowing entire hashtags. If you search in gigs "vrc-avatar" you can go back well over 20 pages and it's just spammed with scams that have the same bio in variations. 

I'm coming to ask is there something we can do? Is there a proper channel to get on the ball with this topic? This whole thing is destructive and is walking all over fiverr. By not dealing with this issue we're enabling this person / group to continue to be not only malicious on fiverr but every other platform they operate their scams on.

If you go look at some of these accounts some of them may have positive reviews but those are NOT genuine, they cant be relating to other malicious behavior making hundreds of accounts posting the same thing. This problem needs to be hardcore investigated for abuse of the platform.


Edited by lunaserafina
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