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Why haven't I gotten any orders yet?


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36 minutes ago, jordon_wotson said:

I might as well give up and move on with life. 😔


I might seem harsh,  but that could be the best choice for you.

Fiverr isn't for everyone, and after a month or two, if it really does not work out for you, that might be a sign. Of course, some people might not get orders for years; it's really hard to say.

That being said, if I were you, I'd look at my gigs from a buyers' standpoint: do you offer anything that they can't do for themselves? I can pay for AI to make me pictures, I'm pretty certain I can remove backgrounds all the same as well. Essay writing (for school) is NOT allowed - though, of course, you might be offering it for something else (but I thought I'd mention that here.)

Basically, you are offering lots of slightly different things that most people could do for themselves with the use of AI (I don't like AI myself, but you know, still) or some other free/cheap programs. There are also thousands of other sellers offering exactly the same things because they used to be easy to get a few bucks for. Try to offer something that people can't replicate themselves and then MAYBE, maybe you might get work... it's hard to say.  

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1 minute ago, katakatica said:

Try to offer something that people can't replicate themselves and then MAYBE, maybe you might get work... it's hard to say.  

Exactly. With so many simple things being doable for free or at a very low price with help from AI, you really need to have a service that stands out and which can't be replicated by AI.

Also, the fact that you are selling so many different services in multiple categories can also be a warning sign. If someone claims they are a writer, designer, logo maker, programmer and so on, then people might think they are not working with an experienced professional. Try to focus on a specific niche and stick with it. Like @katakatica said, essay writing is not allowed, among other services. Go to the Terms of Service and read that to see exactly what you can't provide as a service on Fiverr. And again, try to stand out with unique services. If people can use AI to obtain a similar result to what you do, then they will do that and not pay you any fee. Especially for the anime AI gig you have, there are AI tools, some even free to use that provide such a thing. Why would someone pay you when they can pay a platform (a cheaper price) or even acquire such an image for free?

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Another thing you could do is make sure you only have 1 active account. You're posting from the jordon_wotson account (created this month) but linking to a gamage2008 account that was created in 2023. Fiverr could disable one or more accounts if you actually use more than one.

Also your proofreading gig proofreads 500 words for $5, but in the first top selling page there's a level 2 seller editing & proofreading 1000 words for $5. So maybe adjust the amount of words there.

Edited by uk1000
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I started on Fiverr 2 months ago and still haven't received any Orders. My motivation is slowly but surely decreasing. I want to know how long it takes to receive the first order. I know some people get their first order in the first week and for others, it can take months.

I'm making this topic so people can share their experiences about their first order with everyone 🙂

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13 minutes ago, jordon_wotson said:

I started on Fiverr 2 months ago and still haven't received any Orders. My motivation is slowly but surely decreasing. I want to know how long it takes to receive the first order. I know some people get their first order in the first week and for others, it can take months.

I'm making this topic so people can share their experiences about their first order with everyone 🙂

Search properly on the forum. You will find multiple topics with the same headline, filled with responses from many sellers. 

I have myself replied to this question a few times but people will not come and write every time someone starts a NEW topic on the same thing. 

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Once there were few gigs on a segmented market. New sellers easily could attract actual buyers. But now! Hundreds of sellers come up with their gigs daily. New sellers  have to wait at the tail of a long que. Gradually they progress by maintaining regular activeness and promotion. But Luck favors for some sellers. They hunts promptly!!! I am also at the tail of bookkeepers que. Patience, patience and patience.😞

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On 2/9/2024 at 4:29 PM, jordon_wotson said:

started on Fiverr 2 months ago and still haven't received any Orders. My motivation is slowly but surely decreasing. I want to know how long it takes to receive the first order. I know some people get their first order in the first week and for others, it can take months.

I'm making this topic so people can share their experiences about their first order with everyone 🙂

Don't lose patience success will come one day just keep at it and improve your skills success will come to you one day

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