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Everything posted by dev_yeasin654

  1. Im complete 4 order but my success is school is zero. how to increase my success score?
  2. I have completed four orders in total. but my success score is zero why does this happen?
  3. I have account for almost three months but am not getting any brief
  4. I have account for almost three months but am not getting any brief
  5. I agree with your words
  6. I think your gigs tag and description need to be well organized
  7. Can i share my google docs link with my clint
  8. I am a new seller on Fiverr how can I get promoted Gigs I also completed 4 orders
  9. please delete your 2 gigs and creat new gigs this is Fiverr new update I hope you undrastannt
  10. No only 4 gigs this is a new update on fiverr
  11. Earlier you were allowed to have 7 gigs but after the launch of new level system, you are allowed to have only 4 gigs because of your Level 0/New Seller level. See an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new Thank you so much for everything
  12. It is likely that you are asked for verification from Fiverr
  13. I'm also facing this problem but I'm a new seller on Fiverr
  14. First, you need to fix English communication and gigs can read some effects edited
  15. You can publish anytime
  16. Yes it was the phone number. Thank you so much Welcome
  17. I also faced this problem because of not verifying the mobile number but after verifying the mobile number it got solved
  18. It can be if mobile number is not verified please let me know if you have verified the mobile number
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