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Web Designing on Fiverr - A guide from a Top Rated Seller

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This post was recognized by Lyndsey_Fiverr!

"This is fantastic content @breals, thank you so much for sharing."

breals was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 150 points.

If you're a new website designer on Fiverr then read this

I don't think a day goes by where I don't see a gig topic that starts with 'review my gig' or 'gig not ranking' from new web designers.  So, while I have a few minutes spare, I thought that I would put this handy guide together of tips and observations to help you out.  You can take it or leave it, but these tips have helped me to achieve over 600 orders on the Fiverr, along with Fiverr Certified and Top Rated Seller . 


Some things to consider...


1. If you've designed (x) amount of websites, and you state this in your profile, then your customers will expect to see examples.  If you put up templates or stock images your claims will be brought into question. Your customers are smarter than you think.

2. Don't over complicate your gig.  Trust me when I say that your target customers don't know or don't care what CSS, Bootstrap or HTML is.  They just want a website. The people that know about these phrases are already in the web design industry, and don't need your services. 

3. Customers in 2024 need a LOT of hand holding, especially ones that have little IT experience,  and if they are going to part with $100's then they need to strike up a relationship with someone they can relate to.  Put up a intro video to show your personality, make it happy and friendly.  Avoid any jargon and phraseology that will confuse them.

4.  Don't make claims that will catch you out.   Even though your customers aren't necessarily IT literate, they are very savvy, and whatever you say in your gig description they will hold you to.  So if you offer 1 months free aftercare or unlimited revisions then they will expect it. 

5. Invest in your business. If you can afford it, then purchase full licences to your plugins and themes.  Not nulled versions.  This will instil confidence in what you do. 

6. If you're an expert then offer a fix/ troubleshooting gig.  If you're as good as you think you are then offer a gig that supports people who are experiencing issues, this will tell your customers that you have a wide range of skills and allow you to pick up a lot of quick win customers. 

7. Have all of the information / Requirements before you start. If you don't have everything set up in advance you will be delayed.  clarify everything you need in advance.  This gives the impression that you're on the ball and you know what you're talking about. This includes 

  • Branding packs
  • Hosting information
  • Website Copy 
  • Examples of websites they like 
  • Any links to external sites, Calendly etc... 
  • Keyword information 
  • Images / drop box files. 

8. Don't offer a FREE aftercare service. I often see lots of gigs where a free aftercare service is provided to 'tantalise' people to buy their gig . Sometimes these are for 30 days, 1 year, or even lifetime.   This is what the Fiverr revision process is there for.  As a website designer, you will very quickly end up with a portfolio of clients that take up all of your time for no extra charge.  You will essentially be working for free

9.  Be clear on your pricing. As a website designer, I know roughly how long it takes to build a website page . I then take my hourly rate and then come up with a clear pricing format based on that.  Don't advertise a $80 website then quote the client $400 out of greed. This will only deter them.  Unless it is a custom offer, always quote what you have advertised. 

10. Try to have an introductory Fiverr Zoom call.  I always start and finish my gig with a Zoom call.  This gives the opportunity for my clients to meet me, talk through designs and set expectations.  It also speeds up the process, as customers can ask questions, be reassured by what I say, and know exactly what they are going to get for the service.  I then end the gig with a call so I can close off the order quicker and make any changes they need in 'real time'.  This removes any need for endless messages back and forth on Fiverr.   

11. Don't clutter your gig images. If your gig description is strong,  and you have real website examples in your gig gallery then don't over complicate your main gig image. It needs to be simple and to the point.  Think! How your gig image looks reflects how customers will think their website will look.  If you can't design a slick gig image then common sense says that your website will not be of a good quality.  Remember, your customers aren't stupid

12. Don't make up your certifications / qualifications.  Customers will catch you out. It's better to be truthful about your skills rather to have your integrity brought into question 

13. Don't put 7 web design gigs together for the sake of it. Master one gig , make it the very best it can be,  then only open up another gig if it's different to the first. I often see multiple gigs exactly the same. What's the point?  it will only confuse your customers. 

14. Communication is key. Customers will sometimes spend a lot of money on web design gigs and will make a first impression on you very quickly.   If you can't communicate in a friendly and polite manner then you're fighting a losing battle.  Once again, don't use jargon or complex terminology. It will only put your potential customers off. 

15. It's ok to say no.  You don't have to take any job that comes along.  Web design is a complex profession with lots of different areas.  Don't take on a job for your first gig unless you're 100% sure you can deliver on what you say. You will only regret it when the customer provides feedback to you at the end. 

16. Know your trade and continuously learn. For all of the time I see people sharing their gigs on social media,  and staying online 24/7,  use this time to lean and to build up a portfolio of websites you can share on your gigs.  I see too many freelancers deciding to become web designers Fiverr before they have the skills in it.   Read the forum, complete online courses,  and don't put a gig together until you know you have the skills to deliver. 

17. Don't copy other gigs. Be unique in what you do. Not only is it blatant plagiarism, it shows a complete lack of creativity, and creativity is what website design is all about

18. Be proud of where you're from.  Don't show your gig image to be someone or something you're not. Not only is it against the Fiverr TOS, it makes you look like you've got something to hide.  A clear photo of you or your business logo is essential.

19. Add gig extras to your gig.  As a website designer I have lots of gig extras that I can sell during the process, this includes teaching, maintenance and blog posting.  Ensure you have these to increase your average order value. 

20. Do not share your gig on social media, unless you are 100% that it is the best it can be. If you're whole profession is around creativity and accuracy, then there is nothing more brand damaging for both you and Fiverr than a poorly constructed gig littered with errors.  This will achieve nothing. 

Hope this helps guys

Edited by breals
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Great post, @breals! There's a reason why you are a Top-Rated Web Designer on Fiverr! 

When I was looking for a web designer to work with, I was really frustrated because most didn't have portfolios, their gigs were cluttered with unfamiliar web design terminology (and images), and I was not impressed with their gig images. When I see a generic gig/profile that promises after-order support and 100% satisfaction, this doesn't instill confidence at all. That just tells me to move on to the next seller. If all new web designers read and applied all the tips you included in this post, it would elevate the quality of the web design category.

You also touched on many points that would be helpful for other newbie sellers (e.g., Why you shouldn't just put up 7 gigs for the sake of it. Why sharing your gig on social media might not work.). Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom and insight!

@Lena - Can this thread be pinned? It touches on so many points that have to constantly be reiterated on the forum. Fingers crossed that this can be done! 🤞

Edit: I'm tickled pink that @breals posted this - normally he's only responding to the endless newbie threads that fill up the forum. This post is a true gem! 

Edited by vickieito
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  • Lena pinned this topic
On 1/17/2024 at 10:43 AM, vickieito said:

Can this thread be pinned? It touches on so many points that have to constantly be reiterated on the forum. Fingers crossed that this can be done! 🤞

Of course, it can be done! 🙂 We just have this rule that we leave posts pinned for about two weeks. That is maybe enough time for our members to see the post and react/comment. 

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  • Kesha featured this topic

This is a great list of tips. 
I'm relatively a new Top Seller and this post makes me consider reviewing my profile and my gigs and how I handle communication with my clients, because there is always something to improve. 


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Great read @breals

All the mentioned points are very important and I think this is something that everyone should be aware of.
I like the mix between general professional tips and platform advice, especially when they come from Pro and TR sellers.

Regarding point 1:
Personally, as a new seller, I find it difficult to showcase my works, because I don't have the portfolio feature. Thumbnails are great to catch, but they are a bit too small to display some details so I'm working on a video to compensate for the lack of a portfolio.

I think knowing how Fiverr works is really important and I'm trying to optimize my profile as much as I can. I'm also reading about managing orders properly (i.e. unresponsive clients delaying the delivery and negatively impacting my stats).

If you have other topics in mind like this one, feel free to share.
I'm one of those who appreciates reading this kind of topic.

Bye! :classic_smile:

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Hi, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

But, I have a question about gig sharing. You mentioned that "do not share your gig on social media".

Everybody, even Fiverr also advice that share your gig on social media but can you explain that why you said this?

Thank you.

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