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Stretching - breaking out of your comfort zone


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Hi, so I recently embarked on a project that truly stretched me. The pay was good, and the project was interesting though complicated so I accepted the order. There were times I wanted to give up, it was harder than I had thought it would be, and I just couldn't finish... but I finally did. I'm glad I took on this project,  it helped  that the buyer was great and I was able to purchase stuff for the project that I know I'll use for other projects... I stretched. Have you had second thoughts about accepting to work on a project only to be grateful you did?

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29 minutes ago, mabeljacob481 said:

there were times I wanted to give up, it was harder than I had thought it would be, and I just couldn't finish... but I finally did.

29 minutes ago, mabeljacob481 said:

... I stretched.

I think these orders are the ones that give us the greatest sense of accomplishment, especially if the buyer is really happy with the end product!

Each order is an opportunity to grow, push the limits, and see what's possible (and this is one of the things that makes freelancing so enjoyable). 😊

Edited by vickieito
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10 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Each order is an opportunity to grow, push the limits, and see what's possible (and this is one of the things that makes freelancing so enjoyable). 😊

Precisely! And oh the feeling of knowing your client is happy with your delivery 😊 

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