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adding payout method



Hello everyone,

My account has been disabled by Fiverr. I have a balance to withdraw from my account but my payout methods are disabled. I am not able to add any new method. Can you please suggest something. Customer Support is not responding to my queries.

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1 hour ago, techson said:

Hello everyone,

My account has been disabled by Fiverr. I have a balance to withdraw from my account but my payout methods are disabled. I am not able to add any new method. Can you please suggest something. Customer Support is not responding to my queries.

Hi @techson, can you tell us when your account was disabled (how long ago) and why? That will help us to understand why CS is not responding (and we may be able to call over Fiverr staff to help you out.

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My account was disabled on March 9 , due to some violation of TOS , which they never provided , what wrong I did , at least they should have pointed out or paused the Gig which was creating trouble , I have been working on this platform for past 7 years . Finally on May 9 I received an email stating that my account has been disabled permanently , they will send an email after 90 days which will contain steps to withdraw funds , I received the email on Aug 7 , it contained a link to sign in to my fiverr account , and stated I only have next 7 days to withdraw my funds , when I signed in all my withdrawal methods were frozen .
I explained same thing number of time to customer support , but I always receive an automated response that my account is under review , and it can take upto 60 days.

Screenshot from 2023-08-07 17-53-07.png

Screenshot from 2023-08-10 18-08-12.png

Screenshot from 2023-08-10 18-09-30.png

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Thanks @techson

@Lena - can you take care of this request? (see above)

@techson's account was permanently disabled by Fiverr after a 90 days review and an email has been received from Fiverr stating that a withdrawal can now be made (within 7 days). However, the withdrawal option is not working and @techson's requests to CS are automatically being closed because they can only see that the account was under review and they don't realize that the 90-day review is now complete and authorization to make a withdrawal has been given. 

Can you help @techson with this withdrawal issue and make sure this gets seen by the right team? There are only 4 days left to make a withdrawal. Thanks in advance for all your help, @Lena!

Edited by vickieito
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