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What is the most important tip you'll give a young new designer?


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1 hour ago, blake_ryder said:

Can you tell me what is the most important element of design that should never be ignored, regardless of the project's scope or purpose?

Nothing should come above the purpose. The function. Form should always follow function. 

As an example, I'm going to step away from graphic design and dip into engineering design. A bridge has one purpose: safely allow passage from point A to point B. If it fails this function, it fails it's purpose. This is why it is critical for designers to know the intent and know what they are doing.

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On 3/6/2023 at 3:10 PM, visualstudios said:

If you can look at anything and know "this looks good" and "this looks bad", and be right, you're already ahead of most.

I'll politely counter that argument with one word: Rothko.  Would you pay $2.5M for this?  Some dope did.



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23 minutes ago, newsmike said:

I'll politely counter that argument with one word: Rothko.  Would you pay $2.5M for this?  Some dope did.

Design and art are different - what I said applies to design, art is another animal entirely. Not to mention the art world is highly speculative in terms of valuation. Perfect money laundry vehicle, since value is inherently subjective!

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Not a counter argument, but I wouldn't say that looks bad. I certainly would never pay a crazy amount, but aesthetically, I actually kinda like it. Like a beach at sunset. I could see myself picking something like that up at a yard sale for $5, depending on how it's matted and framed. (Assuming nothing bigger than a 3'-4' canvas.) 

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20 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Not a counter argument, but I wouldn't say that looks bad. I certainly would never pay a crazy amount, but aesthetically, I actually kinda like it. Like a beach at sunset. I could see myself picking something like that up at a yard sale for $5, depending on how it's matted and framed. (Assuming nothing bigger than a 3'-4' canvas.) 

So you are saying it is only overpriced by $2,499,995. I tend to agree, as it would burn for heat the next time we blow up Nordstream.

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Remain inquisitive and focused on constant learning. The plan scene develops quickly, and interest energizes advancement. Embrace difficulties, look for input, and fabricate areas of strength for a. Systems administration and cooperation are critical — interface with friends and tutors. Remain coordinated, grasp the client, and let energy drive your innovativeness.💖

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1) Master your skills**

2) Always care what you give to your clients

3) Try to impress with deliveries to get back them to you

4) Give a good reason to hire you, not just you doing things.

5) Warm wellcome is their first impression with you. Make a good conversation, Not just collecting information

Need more?

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Individuality VS client requirements: how to find a balance.
Find the middle ground between originality and customer expectations.

As creative people, we all face the tension between bringing our personal style and point of view to a project while also satisfying clients. How can we bring originality and still meet expectations?

Start with a thorough understanding of the client's goals, target audience, brand identity, and must-have features. This gives you a framework. Also ask a lot of questions - go deeper into their requests.
Also, be creative within the parameters required. Offer options that uniquely reflect their brand story while leveraging your skills. Ask for feedback and be willing to make compromises. Mastering this balance requires experience and the ability to learn when to bend and when to stand firm.
The key is to use extra time and iteration. Treat projects like true collaborations. With practice, you'll gain the confidence to advocate for quality work while providing top-notch customer service.
Artistic talent must be tempered by the spirit of partnership. If done correctly, customers will be delighted and you will retain pride in the finished product. Remaining flexible, communicating fully, holding freely but firmly to your core values is the recipe for a creation that satisfies both parties.
Keep doing this until you find a happy medium between originality and expectations. The results will be worth it.

Share your experience with budding designers!

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Criticism and Creativity: A Resilient Approach in Design
When Critics Strike: Receiving Feedback With Poise

You unveil your latest design darling, eager for roars of applause. Instead, the critics descend and pick apart your creation. Their harsh words feel like daggers piercing your creative soul.

Breathe in resilience and remember - feedback, though painful, can gift you growth. Pause before reacting. Hear them out fully. Avoid righteous indignation.Consider each critique point fairly. Does it highlight real opportunities to refine your work? Critics often see weak spots that creators miss, being so close to their art.

If clients just want reasonable adjustments, collaborate to find agreeable solutions. Don't assume they're dismissing your work entirely. See compromise. Venting to friends about unfair critics is fine. Just don't burn bridges professionally. Thank critics for caring enough to share their perspective.

Once emotions settle, reflect on lessons learned. How can you avoid similar missteps going forward? Catalog insights gained. As an artist, you must nurture thick skin. Criticism gets easier to take over time if you view it as fuel for advancement.

While bruising to your creative ego initially, feedback is a gift, not a curse. Approach it with grace, apply it with wisdom, and let it elevate your skills.

Keep courage alive. The next opportunity to wow your critics awaits! What you create need not be perfect, but you must be fearless. Onward.

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3 useful tools to help you create your design

1. Vertex – a website with free 3D icons, allowing customization of each icon: set a specific angle, choose colors, and download in high quality.

2. Funkify – a Chrome extension that helps understand how people with different perceptual abilities see websites, offering limited free functionality and a paid subscription.

3. Fontjoy – a tool for generating font pairs using a neural network and your parameters, such as adjusting contrast or determining font similarity. You can also specify a particular font and find complementary pairs for headings, subheadings, and body text.

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  • 2 months later...

Practice Regularly: Keep designing, even if it's just for fun. Practice makes progress!

Welcome Feedback: Don't sweat critique; it's your secret weapon for improvement.

Stay Curious: Design is always changing, so stay curious and keep learning new tricks.

Communicate Clearly: Good design is about more than just pretty pictures; it's about telling stories. Learn to talk about your work.

Be You: Let your unique style shine through. That's what makes your work special! :classic_smile:

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  • 5 weeks later...

If you love what you do, then you have to accept another fate and that is "room for improvement".

In this fast moving world, you have to be expert in recent trends. Otherwise, you position will be filled be filled by another expert. Take me for instance, I myself a student of accounting, I got myself a software engineer and web development diploma. Now, I'm an expert in website design. Now, I am learning more and more about graphic design. That does not mean that I do not love what I do. But to survive here, we have to adapt with the recent trends and enrich our knowledge.

Nothing goes to waste. Now, I can both design and develop websites, softwares. Also, with my accounting background and expertise, I can and did both design & develop accounting softwares as well.

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For new designers on Fiverr, my top tip is to keep learning and practicing. Experiment with different styles, techniques, and tools to find your niche.

Be patient, persistent, and open to feedback – it's all part of the journey to becoming a successful designer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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