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Hello to all the FIverr crew!

I recently read an article that got me thinking.

If I WRITE you: "I suggest you buy something"


if I TELL you: “I suggest you buy something

Does it change anything for you?
Did I influence your decision or not?

In theory it's the same thing: in one case I wrote to you and in the other I told you, the content of the message is identical but the way this message is conveyed changes.

New research shows that if I TELL you something, if you LISTEN to my recommendation, you are more likely to buy than read it.

The reasons could be numerous.
Without going too far into the scientific field and reflecting on the surface, it can be said that through the voice we can also perceive the tone, the facial expressions, all those details that could reassure us to make the purchase.

But it is equally true that this may not be the case: perhaps it is precisely those details which, if exploited in the wrong way, could drive away a potential customer instead of simply attracting him only through well-written words, through well-constructed sentences.

And you? How do you launch your message to the world?
Do you prefer to WRITE or SPEAK?

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3 hours ago, breis92 said:

I recently read an article that got me thinking.

3 hours ago, breis92 said:

New research shows 

Mind citing this, please? If you want to discuss an article, you should let others know where you're pulling the information from. It's hard to discuss a topic without the source material.

3 hours ago, breis92 said:

Do you prefer to WRITE or SPEAK?

As an introvert, I prefer writing more than speaking. But I also prefer long-form writing because I can take my time to think and type out what I want to say, so as to be a clear and comprehensive as needed. However, I also very much like visual presentation of information, because something are better expressed with an image. I'm rather a fan of short documentaries, too. 

Without knowing your reference, there also seems to be an aspect of consumer behavior and psychology. People behave differently if they know you're trying to sell them something, rather than a topic in casual conversation. That's why most marketing targets emotion. 

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23 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Ti spiace citare questo, per favore? Se vuoi discutere un articolo, dovresti far sapere agli altri da dove stai estraendo le informazioni. È difficile discutere un argomento senza il materiale originale.

In quanto introverso, preferisco scrivere più che parlare. Ma preferisco anche scrivere in forma lunga perché posso prendermi il mio tempo per pensare e scrivere ciò che voglio dire, in modo da essere chiaro ed esauriente se necessario. Tuttavia, mi piace molto anche la presentazione visiva delle informazioni, perché qualcosa si esprime meglio con un'immagine. Anch'io sono piuttosto un fan dei documentari brevi. 

Senza conoscere il tuo riferimento, sembra esserci anche un aspetto del comportamento e della psicologia del consumatore. Le persone si comportano in modo diverso se sanno che stai cercando di vendergli qualcosa, piuttosto che un argomento in una conversazione casuale. Ecco perché la maggior parte del marketing prende di mira l'emozione. 

Hi imagination7413!

Thank you for your answer.
I was in the university, I was drinking some coffee as I read some news from my mobile phone.
Every day we read a lot of news: I don't always have to write down the source.
It did not want to be a scientific thesis on the study of human behavior in relation to written or spoken language.

It was just a thought I wanted to share.

Edited by breis92
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4 minutes ago, breis92 said:

I was in the university, I was drinking some coffee as I read some news from my mobile phone. Every day we read a lot of news: I don't always have to write down the source. He did not want to be a scientific thesis on the study of human behavior in relation to written or spoken language.

It was just a thought I wanted to share.

Bummer. Sounds like an interesting article. Do you remember the news source? 

Back to the topic, it kind of ties into the aspect of behavior studies. How it is harder to say 'no' to a person face-to-face, than to a faceless entity. (Especially for people with boundary issues.)

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50 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Bummer. Sounds like an interesting article. Do you remember the news source? 

Back to the topic, it kind of ties into the aspect of behavior studies. How it is harder to say 'no' to a person face-to-face, than to a faceless entity. (Especially for people with boundary issues.)

Yes, I know, if I find it, I'll link it for sure!

The point that basically made me think is: how much does it change in terms of marketing to advertise/sell one's product through these two ways (spoken and written)? 

For example: advertise something on instagram
Is it better to "put your face" in a video or create a nice written post?
It is obvious that there is no univocal answer, perhaps the combination of both is the winning choice.
Maybe that's also why Fiverr encourages us to make a video presentation?

I was curious about the "feeling" of the buyer.

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5 hours ago, breis92 said:

Do you prefer to WRITE or SPEAK?


If you are speaking in terms of business, writing is absolutely necessary. Memories fade conveniently when it's time to pay up, and then you gotta call the collection agency:



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1 hour ago, breis92 said:

The point that basically made me think is: how much does it change in terms of marketing to advertise/sell one's product through these two ways (spoken and written)? 

Why limit yourself to only one method? You could use both the written and spoken word to reach more buyers. Some prefer the written word while others may prefer the spoken language. And having both of them combined together can make your advertising even more powerful.

Edited by vickieito
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2 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

How it is harder to say 'no' to a person face-to-face, than to a faceless entity. (Especially for people with boundary issues.)

I'm terrible at saying 'no' to a person's face. That's something I'll have to remember now that I'm allowing Zoom calls! 😬

Edited by vickieito
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3 minutes ago, breis92 said:

I was curious about the "feeling" of the buyer.

Marketing basics: invoke emotion. The most common for well-known brands are humor and/or nostalgia, but there's some common ones in what I call 'aww' and 'adrenalin'. ('Aww' can be a simple 'cute', but it is also anything that can make you happy-cry. 'Adrenalin' can be both 'action-adventure' and 'scary'.)

For example:


This commercial invokes nostalgia (Star Wars), 'Aww' (kid playing), humor (dad teasing/playing), and even a hint of 'adrenalin' (kid startles so hard he almost falls over). 

For another example:


That one is almost pure 'aww'. 

Basically, almost all commercials are trying to get you to feel something. People tend to remember emotions better than specific details. It's one of the reasons big-brands will have continuity in their ad campaigns, to have consistency within themselves. 

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Great examples @imagination7413!

8 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

(kid startles so hard he almost falls over). 

I love that part! This one's very nostalgic. I miss those days when the kids were so innocent and full of imagination!

8 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

Basically, almost all commercials are trying to get you to feel something.

The music and video shots did a great job of pulling at the heartstrings and delivering the message in a powerful way.

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5 minutes ago, vickieito said:

The music and video shots did a great job of pulling at the heartstrings and delivering the message in a powerful way.

Procter & Gamble (as a parent company) have a LOT of 'aww' commercials. The memorable ones tend to focus on day-to-day and slice-of-life, making them feel very real (and thus relatable). Lot in their owned brands, too. 


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Hello! That's a great question and a fascinating topic. I think it depends on the situation. If I am trying to reach a large audience, I would likely prefer to write my message. Writing allows me to craft my message carefully, be sure that it is clear, and it can reach a lot of people quickly. On the other hand, if I am trying to reach a smaller audience, speaking may be better. Speaking allows me to connect with the audience in a more personal way, and I can tailor my message to the specific audience. It also allows for more flexibility since I can adjust my message as I go. Ultimately, I think it comes down to understanding the situation and choosing the method that will best help me deliver my message.

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3 minutes ago, maheennadeem814 said:

Ciao! Questa è un'ottima domanda e un argomento affascinante. Penso che dipenda dalla situazione. Se sto cercando di raggiungere un vasto pubblico, probabilmente preferirei scrivere il mio messaggio. La scrittura mi consente di elaborare il mio messaggio con cura, essere sicuro che sia chiaro e possa raggiungere rapidamente molte persone. D'altra parte, se sto cercando di raggiungere un pubblico più ristretto, parlare potrebbe essere meglio. Parlare mi permette di entrare in contatto con il pubblico in un modo più personale e posso adattare il mio messaggio al pubblico specifico. Consente inoltre una maggiore flessibilità poiché posso modificare il mio messaggio man mano che procedo. Alla fine, penso che si tratti di capire la situazione e scegliere il metodo che meglio mi aiuterà a trasmettere il mio messaggio.

Ehi maheennadeem814
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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