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How can I get order on Fiverr?


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I am new to Fiverr. Today my gig impression was 122 and it's my highest ever. But I get only 1 click. My average impression is 61 per a day but I get 0 click per a week (My idea). I want to know about my situation. How is it? Because I don't know it's too much bad situation or quite good. 

If you tell here about your average impression and click (from your idea), may be it helps some new seller like me. I know gig impression and click depends on various matter but still we can find a answer. 

Edited by sharminnshima
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According to your profile you have made 233 posts on this forum?  Did you not get any information from them?

You also don't appear to be a new seller as your profile was created 2 years ago?  Have you deleted your gigs and created new ones?

Finally, you're in a niche with 250,000 other logo designers.  If you haven't sold anything yet then I wouldn't hold out much hope after all of this time. 

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If you need 'proper information' then do proper research.   I have explained to you on another post that you have made 233 posts, yet you still can't get an order. 

So this makes me think 

1) You're not listening to what anyone is telling you, and your waiting for the secret password to gig success

2) Your gigs aren't what people want to buy! 

Either way, you need to take responsibility for your own business and not rely on a magic ticket coming your way! 

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2 hours ago, sharminnshima said:

If you tell here about your average impression and click (from your idea), may be it helps some new seller like me.

There is no average. If your picture is not attractive and doesn’t show the quality of your service then no matter how many impressions you have, people will not click on it. 

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3 hours ago, sharminnshima said:

Need Gig Photo SEO?

There are some gigs that require tags on your gig photos, so those would be the only ones that would need tags on the gig photos. Just make sure that the tags are relevant to the services that you are offering and you should be okay.

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3 hours ago, sharminnshima said:

Why do I still not get a brief? That's why I don't get any orders now😪

Not getting briefs ≠ No orders

It is possible to get orders without getting briefs. Focus on making your gigs attractive and relevant to your target buyers. I was also a new seller earlier this year, so I know it can be done:


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3 hours ago, sharminnshima said:

I want to know that, what is Fiverr gig SEO. And is SEO important to rank in the Fiverr search console?

@frank_d talked a lot SEO and what really counts when trying to get your gig to rank high in buyers' search results:



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On 12/19/2022 at 3:14 AM, sharminnshima said:

Please review my profile and gigs and tell me what am I doing wrong?

1. If you state you are fluent in English, buyers will be critical of everything you write.

2. In the gig descriptions, don't just state what you can do, talk to your buyers' pain points and show how you are the answer. Your gig descriptions are very short and doesn't convince a buyer to place an order.

3. Utilize your 2 PDFs on each gig to showcase your talents and skills. This was how I was able to get more orders as a newbie seller.

4. Add gig videos on all your gigs to showcase your talent and skills.

5. Add up to 10 FAQs per gig to address any question a buyer may have before ordering from you.

6. On several of your gigs you state that you offer 3 free revisions, while right below that statement it shows "Unlimited Revisions." I would only offer 3 free revisions for each gig. Unlimited revisions can lead to burnout, cancelations, and other buyer issues.

7. I also wouldn't mention "100% satisfaction guarantee" and "Full refunds if you don't like results." That makes buyers question the quality of your work.

8. You can't share a Behance link on your gig - this is against Fiverr's ToS and risks your gig getting shut down. Below are the list of approved URLs that you can share:

  • ammyy.com
  • blogspot.com
  • flickr.com
  • mixcloud.com
  • reverbnation.com
  • soundcloud.com
  • spotify.com
  • teamviewer.com
  • tumblr.com
  • vimeo.com
  • wetransfer.com
  • wikipedia.org
  • youtube.com


On 12/19/2022 at 2:55 AM, sharminnshima said:

What is the difference between remaining online and remaining active in Fiverr? 🤔

Andy explains this perfectly here:


Edited by vickieito
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Hi @sharminnshima - from your Gig page, click on the dropdown menu for each gig and turn on the Live Portfolio option. This will allow you to deliver an image with your order delivery. The image will show up with a buyer's review if the buyer opts to include the image with their review.

Also, FYI gig links can't be shared in "Your Fiverr Experience" - Gig links can only be shared in "My Fiverr Gigs" or "Improve My Gig." 

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Hi @sharminnshima, I think my responses to 6 of your posts will answer the other 13. Please note that cross-posting the same questions across the forum (especially when you do it all within the same 1-2 hour window of time) violates forum rules and is seen as spamming the forum.

@imagination7413 - Can we removed/hide the rest of the duplicate posts below? Thanks!

[Mod note: done. Topics merged.]

Edited by vickieito
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