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Everything posted by amit_juboraz_

  1. Hi, it's really tough to get orders in fiverr day by day for new sellers. But there lot of tips and tricks to achieve your goal. If you read this you can get your desire clients, please read these.
  2. There are several article about this, please read this. I think there are no secret sauce about to get order quickly.
  3. Welcome to the fiverr community!
  4. Copy your gig url and use a relevant image, post it in your social media.
  5. Yes, it's depend on your services.
  6. It's really hard day by day for new sellers but not impossible. But focus on your gig quality, service, price. Then share your gig on social media to get your desire clients.
  7. It's really tough to say in one word, there are several factors like depends on your gig quality, service type, pricing and others. You need to marketing your gig in social media to achieve your desire clients.
  8. Hi, i think there is no secrete sauce to find a desire buyers in short time. Please follow there are several post here to find your desire clients.
  9. Please follow, there are several post here i think it will be helpful to grow up your freelancing journey.
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