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Buyer keeps asking for extension


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Hey guys! I'm in a bit of a difficult situation, hoping I can get some advice from you. The buyer hired me for 2 weeks of social media management. However, he said all the content will be provided and that I would have to wait 2 days to get the photos. The 15 days contract was coming to an end and I still haven't received anything, so they asked me to extend the delivery date by 15 days. I accepted, with the promise that they will send the photos ASAP. Now, there is 3 days left of the extension and I still have nothing. I expect them to ask for another extension, which I don't want to accept, because I feel like they are just wasting my time and delaying the payment. I haven't done anything on their page so far, so it's true that I didn't really work for them this whole month, but on the other hand, I'm saving time for them, because those photos could be sent any minute and I need to have the time to work on them. 
What do you think I should do? And if I close the contract and get a bad review, is there any way I can explain what happened and maybe get it removed? Or I don't know, my only fear is that they will cancel and I won't get paid or that they will give a bad review. 

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Hi @carlamaria06

Cancel the order and then have the buyer place a new order (without submitting the order requirements). This will put the order into an "incomplete status" indefinitely until they give you the required information to get started. This is a good option because:

  • If you cancel an order and the buyer purchases a new order within 2 weeks, that cancelation will not count against you (it will not hurt your seller statistics).
  • There are also no public reviews on canceled orders - buyers have their funds returned to them, so it's like an order didn't take place. Public reviews are only on finished/delivered orders.
  • You won't have to keep extending the new order - as long as the buyer doesn't submit the order requirements, the order won't officially start until they give you the files. I have an order in the incomplete status since May and I just leave it that way - the buyers have already purchased the gig, I'm just waiting on them to submit the required documents to start. My second incomplete order is for a third subscription order (because we are trying to finish the second subscription order first).
  • I like this option because I don't have to follow up on the buyers and I'll be notified as soon as their order starts.
  • My buyers like this option because they can have as much time as they need to gather the information needed for me. The buyer that hasn't given me her files since May reached out to me in July to tell me that she's incredibly busy and will get the files when she can. So I don't worry about her order.
  • If an order in the "incomplete status" gets canceled, it also won't count against your seller statistics. So really it's a win-win for you and your buyers.


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14 hours ago, carlamaria06 said:

Hey guys! I'm in a bit of a difficult situation, hoping I can get some advice from you. The buyer hired me for 2 weeks of social media management. However, he said all the content will be provided and that I would have to wait 2 days to get the photos. The 15 days contract was coming to an end and I still haven't received anything, so they asked me to extend the delivery date by 15 days. I accepted, with the promise that they will send the photos ASAP. Now, there is 3 days left of the extension and I still have nothing. I expect them to ask for another extension, which I don't want to accept, because I feel like they are just wasting my time and delaying the payment. I haven't done anything on their page so far, so it's true that I didn't really work for them this whole month, but on the other hand, I'm saving time for them, because those photos could be sent any minute and I need to have the time to work on them. 
What do you think I should do? And if I close the contract and get a bad review, is there any way I can explain what happened and maybe get it removed? Or I don't know, my only fear is that they will cancel and I won't get paid or that they will give a bad review. 


Well you have 2 options now

1. Cancel the order via Customer Support. But before doing that, send messages to the buyer and get the status on requirements. If they don't respond to your queries then get it cancelled via Fiverr Team

2. Accept the delivery extension for second time if they are really willing to work with you!

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22 hours ago, carlamaria06 said:

I expect them to ask for another extension, which I don't want to accept, because I feel like they are just wasting my time and delaying the payment. I haven't done anything on their page so far, so it's true that I didn't really work for them this whole month, but on the other hand, I'm saving time for them, because those photos could be sent any minute and I need to have the time to work on them. 

I have the same issue. One buyer asked me to edit their book manuscript many months ago and still has not produced a draft script for me to work on. I am having to extend by sixty days at a time! I have no faith they're even working on preparing this script for my attention as they don't update me at each extension.

I'd like to cancel too but these days, I am receiving conflicting opinions from Fiverr sources about how to cancel in such a circumstance. I will to say to the buyer that our newest sixty-day extension is the last one I can do, and if they do not provide the script by X date, we need to mutually cancel. Then I will ask Customer Support to adjust my project completion statistics so I'm not penalised.

I don't think a buyer can leave an adverse review for a cancelled job unless things have changed.

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1 hour ago, anniejenkinson said:

I'd like to cancel too but these days, I am receiving conflicting opinions from Fiverr sources about how to cancel in such a circumstance. I will to say to the buyer that our newest sixty-day extension is the last one I can do, and if they do not provide the script by X date, we need to mutually cancel. Then I will ask Customer Support to adjust my project completion statistics so I'm not penalised.

Hi @anniejenkinson, if you cancel (and then reissue a new order) in the manner I described below, it won't affect your seller stats. You also can have that order sitting in "incomplete" status without having to keep extending it. The buyer would need to be available to accept the new order as soon as the cancelation is finished for it to work (or at least within 2 weeks). I usually have the buyer cancel and then I send them a new order to accept. You shouldn't have to involve Customer Support if you do it this way.

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According to my experience you have to consider  bellow 1. You have sufficient orders to minimize the cancellation percentage

                                                                                              2. You have good reviews to neutralize bad comments

then you can get idea about what are the benefits and disadvantages you have then take action  

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