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Anxiety when Opening up fiverr, after taking a day off


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Hi, I am working as a freelancer, on fiverr.com for almost 2 years now
During this time, I have became a level 2 seller

and resigned from my job too 3 months back
because fiverr was generating a good amount of income

But, now 3 monthsn down the road

I just get too much scarred, when opening up fiverr, If i take a day off.
It's like my heart starts beating faster

or like I feel a really high dose of anixiety

Does anyone else feel this too?
or am I the only one?

If so
please also share some solutions thanks

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@muzammilh13 - it sounds like you are experiencing high stress and anxiety from your work here on Fiverr. You are doing an amazing job, with over 350 orders. It looks like you might be pushing yourself too hard. Don't forget to take care of yourself mentally and physically. It's important to find a healthy balance because you don't want to lose everything that you've worked so hard to build up. Which can happen if you aren't taking care of yourself.

25 minutes ago, muzammilh13 said:

Does anyone else feel this too?

I actually quit my day job too, at the end of February. I also more than replaced my income through Fiverr. I just became a Level 1 seller the previous month and had already hit all the targets for Level 2. But I was in the hospital getting connected to electrodes to monitor my heart because of the same issues you mentioned here.

Irregular heart beats. Heart palpitations. Uncontrollable "heart shudders." My chest felt very heavy and hurt all the time, too. I actually had only 70 hours of sleep the past 60 days because I believed the myth that I had to be online 24/7. Sometimes my heart and mind would race out of control when hearing the Fiverr alerts going off or if I just got excited about something. I once got excited that my family and I were going to have an outing with extended family. I never made it because my heart started racing uncontrollably because of the excitement and I had to spend the day in bed to get it to calm down. I think what finally put me in the hospital was a Monster drink (the biggest I could find in Japan) with all that caffeine.

25 minutes ago, muzammilh13 said:

If so
please also share some solutions thanks

Go see a doctor. You might be on the brink of a cardiac arrest.

Don't drink caffeine or take stimulants. No energy drinks. I even avoided tea and cold/allergy medicines that had stimulants in it.

Eat healthy and make time for exercise. It's important to let your body heal by eating a well-balanced diet and taking time for exercise.

Minimize screen time. Sitting in front of your computer is one of the worst positions you can have if you are having these heart problems - it puts a lot of pressure on your heart. I also turned off my Fiverr alerts.

Sleep. Sleep was the best way to stop the racing heart. For the first month after the hospital visit, I had to take "nap" every 15 minutes because my heart would start racing every time I sat down in front of a computer. Sleep has been something I've struggled with all my life, but I've gotten better at it.

Set Boundaries/Rules. It's unhealthy to work all the time. Allow some time for other activities as well.

Learn how to work smarter, not harder. After I felt well enough, I decided to start learning and posting on the forum. This has been a great place for me to debunk a lot of the myths I had and to grow my business in smart, not stupid ways. I almost destroyed myself and my business. I don't want that to happen to you. Please let me know if you have any specific questions and I'd be more than willing to answer them!

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Relying on one source of freelance income creates a lot of anxiety. Besides Vickie's amazing suggestions, I would also encourage you to diversify your income if possible. While this will create more work now, you may feel much more comfortable with a steady backup plan in place.

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I recently hit burn out from going full throttle for pretty much a year straight, after having lost my job (and pretty much the industry it was tied to) from lockdowns and having to recreate myself entirely (a traumatic blessing in disguise). I was in survival mode--literally a constant stress response--and very aware of it. I was not eating well, doing yoga, meditating, or even going outside much anymore. It was at least 16 hours a day of researching and developing skills. I think the only thing that held my heart and head together was NAC and l-theanine, honestly. (Okay, my cat Honey Butt plays a part in that.) I told myself that I'd start thinking more about myself once I hit a certain milestone. I developed a gut/skin condition from being stressed out, which creates more stress, and then all of a sudden my brain and body turned to mush.

That forced me to slow down enough to realize that I had hit that milestone. I took a week off, but probably needed more. I prefer to extend the delivery dates on my gigs rather than do the out-of-office thingy. I've been doing high intensity interval training, yoga/meditation, and stopped eating anything processed or with sugar. That's what I was also doing pre-2020, before our world changed.

There are so many things that have happened over the past couple of years that are causing people anxiety, but add to that...the hustle of being a freelancer.

It just so happens that this video about that floated into my Youtube sidebar the other day:


I hope it helps!

Edited by mandyzines
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I only get anxious on these very rare cases when I have a psycho client forcing an order on me.

Other than that, my delivery dates are set well, and I manage the orders accordingly. This will be eradicated through a new feature that will eventually roll out in seller plus.

I create free time through a strict schedule. I respond to messages with a complex system of easily personalized quick responses.


And as for you, start pumping weights.

Exercise has a tremendous psychoactive effect.

Be careful not to become a couch potato in front of the computer.

Watch your diet. Give veganism a shot. Stay way from processed foods, sugar, and caffeine (coke too). 

A single dose of caffeine can negatively affect deep sleep by 20%, if taken less than 12 hours before bedtime.

Here is a fine ancient Greek proverb in free translation: 'A healthy mind leaves in a healthy body'.


Manage your finances meticulously. I keep an income—expenses spreadsheet for everything.


And last but not least, learn to say NO. Loud and clear.

Edited by sunboatrecords
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Two months ago I faced two clients on Fiverr that stressed me out so much that I feel anxious all day thinking about their projects and I feel like throwing up. The stress also affected my guts negatively and I couldn't sleep well thinking about the worst possibility. This is not a usual day-to-day case, but it's one of the worst anxieties I've had from working on Fiverr. I managed to complete those projects, then right after I immediately turned off Fiverr's notification on my phone. It took me almost a week to "recover" and be able to turn on the notification again.

From now on, whenever I start to feel anxious and overwhelmed by Fiverr, I just turn off the notification and close Fiverr's tab in my browser. Take a deep breathe and try to slow down. I eat something, watch series, go outside, stretch or do simple exercises, listen to music. Basically I would do anything other than work that could make me feel at ease. I also find it helpful to turn off Fiverr's notification on my phone an hour before heading to bed and only open it the next morning during working hours. Getting a good sleep is very crucial for your well being.

Other than that, I agree with what everyone said here that building a healthy lifestyle and setting boundaries would help tremendously.


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  • 2 weeks later...

An enormous thanks to everyone, 
who replied to my question

It really helped, reading all your replies and to know that I was not the only one, facing this.

I will Definitely, be investing my time, into working out
and the other mentioned tactics too

once, again
Thank you soo much for your time and words.

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I hope things are better for you now, @muzammilh13!

Thanks for being brave and vulnerable enough to post about this topic. I think many sellers have the same questions as you. It's easy to read all the forum post and think that you are the only one having problems. You're not. 😊

Please take care of yourself! I wish the best for you and your business!

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