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Downgraded by Fiverr


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Hi guys,

it looks like Fiverr downgraded my gig for now reason. Under the search keyword "google data studio" I can be found on page 7. https://www.fiverr.com/search/gigs?query=google data studio&source=pagination&ref_ctx_id=a125f2fd5a2d95e4479cc9698d1b94aa&search_in=everywhere&search-autocomplete-original-term=google data studio&page=7&offset=-5

I only receive 5 star reviews, didn't had any cancellations in two years, I'm highly responsive and I'm also almost a Top Rated Seller. Do you maybe know what's the reason for it? I also didn't receive any strikes for more than a year. 

Here's a link to my gig: https://www.fiverr.com/arturbe91/create-optimize-and-fix-every-google-data-studio-report?context_referrer=search_gigs&source=pagination&ref_ctx_id=460f670d35c44adb89154912f631fdf7&pckg_id=1&pos=20&context_type=auto&funnel=460f670d35c44adb89154912f631fdf7&imp_id=29ea6855-3656-4201-be7d-42f34a109e73

Account PErformance.PNG

Gig Performance.PNG

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Welcome to the forum, @arturbe91! And congratulations on almost reaching all the metrics for TRS nomination!

A decrease in impressions is usually due to a negative private review. For each order, buyers are asked to leave 3 reviews - 2 private and 1 public. The private reviews are weighed more heavily than the public review. The 2nd private review can also be completed up to 14 days after the delivery...so a lot can change during that time. Customers can look at the delivery more in depth and have different opinions about their orders. I'm not saying this is the reason for your drop in impressions, but it is a likely reason. If you are a Seller Plus member, your Success Manager can give you better insight on the cause.


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28 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Welcome to the forum, @arturbe91! And congratulations on almost reaching all the metrics for TRS nomination!

A decrease in impressions is usually due to a negative private review. For each order, buyers are asked to leave 3 reviews - 2 private and 1 public. The private reviews are weighed more heavily than the public review. The 2nd private review can also be completed up to 14 days after the delivery...so a lot can change during that time. Customers can look at the delivery more in depth and have different opinions about their orders. I'm not saying this is the reason for your drop in impressions, but it is a likely reason. If you are a Seller Plus member, your Success Manager can give you better insight on the cause.


Hi, thanks for the answer. What if that's the case and the reviewer left a bad second review. How long will I be punished?

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@arturbe91 - Negative private reviews stay on your account for 60 days. However, if your orders decrease because of it, that can also affect you since impressions are related to your seller performance compared to others in your category. If there are other sellers who are closing on more orders than you, and doing better on all other metrics, they'll be shown higher up in search than you. However, if you are mostly working with repeat buyers and your orders aren't affected by the decrease in impressions, then you'll recover faster.

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