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De-rank the gigs


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Hello everyone,

I am level 2 seller and working from 4 years. My gig always was in first page and gets many orders every month. without any reason fiverr de-rank my All gigs from first page to last page. I know its algorithm system and it will be fine soon. So I waited. Its been 2 months now and I am really disappointed. I contact support team and they told My gig are active. But still its not back. During this time I complete some orders from old clients and edit one gig with new Tag and SEO. But result is same. Now What I can do? why they de-rank any good selling gig without notification and why not give back in a certain time? I think its a big problem of fiverr. They should do something about this. I am feeling hopeless...


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37 minutes ago, sawoda_sumi_29 said:

why they de-rank any good selling gig without notification and why not give back in a certain time? I think its a big problem of fiverr. They should do something about this. I am feeling hopeless...

Gigs are not ranked in the Fiverr search system. That's not how Fiverr works. Gigs are specifically matched to buyers the algorithm thinks will purchase them, therefore, only those matched buyers see your gig in the search results. There is nothing wrong with Fiverr. Your performance as a seller most likely needs to improve before you start seeing more visibility and interest.

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15 minutes ago, sawoda_sumi_29 said:

Thanks so much for reply. But how it possible to go any ranked gig first page to last page in one day? 

@sawoda_sumi_29 - It's impossible to grow a business in one day.

As @jonbaas mentioned, there is no such thing as gig "ranking." To get on the first page, you will need to improve your seller performance so that your gig is seen as a relevant match to a buyer's search term.  Improving your performance takes much more time than one day. The algorithm looks at your past 60-pay performance. Your seller performance depends on how many orders you are completing, how happy your customers are, your seller metrics on your dashboard, your response rate, and other quality factors. If you are performing better than your competition, you will be visible in search. If your competition is performing better than you, you won't be as visible.

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Thank you. As you mentioned about seller performance please can you see my profile and see my gigs? I always doing my best for my buyer and I have positive feedback from them. I have complete 1000+ orders with 785 reviews. because of de-ranking I am not getting new clients and orders. but I am doing works for my old clients always. I hope fiverr help me for this problems.

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5 minutes ago, sawoda_sumi_29 said:

please can you see my profile and see my gigs?

No. I am not interested in looking at your gigs, and nothing I say will guarantee that you get more orders. 

You are the only person who can make you successful. Do what you've already done to earn your "1000+ orders".

8 minutes ago, sawoda_sumi_29 said:

because of de-ranking I am not getting new clients and orders.

No! Your gigs were not de-ranked, because there is no ranking in the search system. If you want help, START LISTENING to what you are being told.

9 minutes ago, sawoda_sumi_29 said:

I hope fiverr help me for this problems.

Fiverr will not make you successful. That's YOUR job! 

Be a better seller. Improve your seller performance. Study your Analytics page for insight.

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Well, you have a very niche service, so it might not be in demand now.

Also, someone most likely gave you a bad private review. There's also a lot of competition for your gigs, with more and more people creating gigs every day. 

So, experiment, change some stuff within your gig and then see if it gives you clients. No one will give you any ranking tips because there's no ranking. Plus, these are things you have to figure out on your own. 

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