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How to get an order!


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Which color gig do you like most when purchasing a service!!Three Primary Colors : Red, Yellow, Blue.
Three Secondary Colors : Orange, Green, Violet.
Six Tertiary Colors : Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, which are formed by mixing a primary with a secondary.z











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I don’t understand: is this a question? Or is it a tip for buyers? 
buyers don’t care which colours are primary or secondary. Every person have their own styles that they like and only you as a seller choose which colours will represent your brand and brand psychology and which target audience you want to attract with your branding.   

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  • 2 months later...

How can I get an order!!

Eveday I send over 15hrs in fiver.. also sent buyer request.

(But,, In my buyer request section I found only 3-4 at a time..../Maximum 7-8... I've checked it several times...

I get only fewer buyer request.................But why,,,!!)

But I didn't get any order....!!!!!!!!

How  can I..??

Here is gigs:





Please share some usefull information.........

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5 hours ago, musharrufh said:

Eveday I send over 15hrs in fiver.

What productive actions, to earn more orders, are you taking during those 15 hours every day? Surely you aren't sitting around, doing nothing for 15 hours, waiting for things to happen to you. No seller has ever become successful on Fiverr by sitting around and waiting for success to happen. That's not how success works.

What actions would a businessman take to improve his business? Do those things for your gigs.

5 hours ago, musharrufh said:

also sent buyer request

Responding to buyer requests does not guarantee orders. For every response you send, dozens of other sellers are sending responses to that same buyer. 

5 hours ago, musharrufh said:

I get only fewer buyer request.................But why,,,!!)

This is because either you do not qualify to respond to more buyer requests, or, there are none available for you to respond to.

5 hours ago, musharrufh said:

But I didn't get any order....!!!!!!!!

You don't "get orders", you earn them. What steps are you taking to out-compete your thousands of other competitors? And why should buyers hire you, instead of any one of those thousands of other competitors?

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Amount of hours "spent" on Fiverr is nigh irrelevant. The main attraction for sellers on Fiverr is that ones gigs may passively receive orders at any time from around the world WITHOUT requiring the seller to be online rummaging through BR, auditioning, or hunting down leads. The key to receiving orders in this manner is by having thoughtful, well designed, and appealing gigs which offer services people may actually want.

Too many sellers these days are simply copycats posting services that some "guru" told them would lead to easy money...

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  • 3 months later...

Hi there, The are not any specific reason of not getting more buyer request. New sellers mostly see fewer buyer requests. Buyer requests also depend on the service that you are providing. If you are providing something that is most in demand then you will get more buyer requests. Also make sure your gig is published in right category. Thanks

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Generally, the list of buyer requests that you can see depends upon the category of your gig. For example, if you have a flyer design gig, and you have that gig in the flyer design category, you will only see buyer requests that are seeking flyer design services.

If you don’t see any buyer requests, it may well be the case that no one has posted any new buyer requests for your gig category.

A word of advice, though: Don’t depend upon buyer requests to be your only source of sales leads. Focus on promoting your gigs, and obtaining potential sales from other more direct sources. You are not going to become successful on Fiverr by focusing on only buyer requests.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Regarding your previous question, Fiverr Terms of Service state:

  • Any necessary exchange of personal information required to continue a service may be exchanged within the Order Page.

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service

As for advice on rank (or anything else Fiverr), I would suggest reading this topic: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/

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