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  1. So, what do you think of the Solution to the Problem? What do you think of the Solution to the Problem @Lena, OR do you think there is a better solution than both @uk1000 & @priyank_mod provided? What do you think I should do @Lena? @Lena does my gig align with Fiverr’s guidelines?
  2. Please provide me with an example using one of my existing gigs.
  3. Then explain to me why I'm not making any money off my current gigs. What am I doing wrong?
  4. It's kind of frustrating that I can only have 4 Gigs at a Time, and you have to delete one to create a new Gig, meaning you have to lose all that information you put into that Gig you have to Delete to create a new one, so I had a solution for that problem and would like your feedback on it: You can create an unlimited number of Gigs, but you can have only 4 Gigs active at a time. So, what do you think of the Solution to the Problem?
  5. Please explain.
  6. Apology accepted
  7. I agree with you, and thanks for standing up for me.
  8. What does CS stand for?
  9. (What does that Meme mean?)
  10. What's that's supposed to mean!? P.S. What does OP stand for?
  11. I hope I get an award for that.
  12. I have two very Important Questions that I want to ask you: What are the Top 10 Services People are currently Request on Fiverr, and why? What is the Number#1 Service that People are Requesting on Fiverr, and why?
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