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New seller alert! how to get my first order?

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Wow! An Alert, I almost got excited until I realised it's the same post I have seen 4 times today already 😀

The advise is, read the other posts that give the same answers from the same people.  The people that answer are busy freelancers who do an amazing job, but they repeat themselves time and time again for people who don't use this forum properly 

Also, work hard, read the forum topics fully and don't expect the sales to come to you. 


Good luck on your fiverr journey 


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Guest lloydsolutions
2 hours ago, vinayrajkr said:

Hey guys! I'm Vinay. I'm new to Fiverr. So please give me some advice

Read this: 

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy! 🙂

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7 minutes ago, furyy123 said:

Hello! @uk1000@vickieito@filipdevaereI want to be a student of you three. I am a new seller on fiverr and need help to improve my gigs and profile. Please visit my profile and highlight my shortcomings. Thank you.

Hi @furyy123 - I'm just a seller trying to improve my business, just like you are. I don't have any students because that's not how the forum works. I use the forum to research how I can grow my business and I like to answer questions because I want to give back as much as I'm getting out of the forum.

Here's some feedback for you - 

1. Profile - "I can translate English to any other language" <--please specify what languages you can do this for

2. Profile - "My all work will be unique and perfect." <--I wouldn't promise perfection

3. Profile - "My belief is that if you are punctual then you are successful." <--punctual does not equal success

4. Profile - "So I will try my 100% and my work will be enough to make you satisfied." <-- I wouldn't promise this. Some clients can't be satisfied.

5. Gig #1 - "You are on the perfect address!!!" change to "You are at the right place!"

6. Gig#1 - You are again promising to translate to "any other language." Please be specific in the languages you work with.

7. Gig #2 -  "I have been serving people since 10 years in translation ." <-- there is a space between "translation" and the period.

8. Gig #2 - You offer Spanish translation, but on your profile, Spanish isn't listed as a language that you're proficient in. Consider adding it to your list of languages.

When offering services on Fiverr, please make sure you are offering something that you are good at. You also mention English --> Chinese translations in your skills section. Are you fully proficient in all of these languages?

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Guest furyy123

@vickieitoThank you so much for your guidance.(I want to be a student of you three) I mean to say that I want to learn from your experience because I read your almost all posts and they're really helpful for me. I will make changes that you are suggesting. I know these languages because I used to do translation for my studies purposes. I can translate some languages manually and some are machine specific. Again THANKS

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