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About dev_hridoydatta

  • Birthday 01/01/2016


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dev_hridoydatta's Achievements

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  1. As a new seller you have to focus on sending effective buyer request. Try to send all the buyer requests daily to real buyers.
  2. As a new seller you have to focus on sending effective buyer request. Try to send all the buyer requests daily to real buyers.
  3. Yes you can send your portfolio link, but there should not be any personal contact info and pricing table on your portfolio website.
  4. As a new seller you have to focus on sending effective buyer request. Try to send all the buyer requests daily to real buyers.
  5. As a new seller you have to focus on sending effective buyer request. Try to send all the buyer requests daily to real buyers.
  6. You have to create maximum gigs to get more buyer requests. As a new seller, you have to active and reload the buyer request page more and more. You have to notice the time that when you can see many buyer requests try to active that times.
  7. When a buyer will come to your profile and see you are skilled by Fiverr test, he/she will trust on your work and It is a great chance to show your skill quality to buyer.
  8. Read it clearly and try to give some details about the solution to the requirements and say how you will do this.
  9. You can use Canva. There are so many pre-made thumbnails that you can edit as your service.
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