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It feels like my gig has become irrelevant.


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I'm new to this so it could be be being impatient but since I started my gig I don't know how much people will care about it. To add to this now that I have gotten my first order, it seems that my impressions have been tanking. It could just be a bad couple of days but I'm really struggling with that first first point.


So, is my gig in any sort of demand? Am I doing anything wrong? Do I need more patience?


(I don't know if this is necessary but here's the link)


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18 hours ago, luke975 said:

So, is my gig in any sort of demand?

Your two gigs are to: 1) write Japanese using your poor gaijin handwriting and 2) draw really bad art.

One way to see if there's a demand for your service is to look up your service in search. I couldn't find any relevant services for writing "bad Japanese" and the "bad art" only brought up 14 gigs with most of them having zero orders. One did have 3 orders, and it looks like the seller "exceeded expectations" in producing really bad MS Paint drawings. 🤣 So based on my research, I would say there isn't a high demand for your services, even though they are fun.

However, if you are looking to make money, you'd have to follow @melanielm's advice ad define your target audience. If you are catering your services to Japanese people, maybe you can offer services tailored to them (such as English proofreading or English resume writing) and then add on humorous gig extras such as the bad handwriting, bad art, and maybe even some fun oyaji gags in English. 

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3 hours ago, vickieito said:

I couldn't find any relevant services for writing "bad Japanese"

3 hours ago, vickieito said:


(Ignore the second quote) why did you focus on it being bad? I never put that in anywhere of the gig. It isn't ment to be bad.


Also in general about me, I have no relevant skills so these gigs are the only ones I can think of that might be doable and profitable.

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18 hours ago, melanielm said:

Well, to be honest, I'm not sure why anyone would need amateur Japanese writing.

My thinking was that other Japanese learners can compare/learn how to write certain phrases. Other than that, I think Japanese people who doesn't know of any foreingers would be interested.

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29 minutes ago, luke975 said:

It isn't ment to be bad.


Have you considered the possibility that, even though it's not meant to be bad, to a person from Japan your writing looks like 


4 hours ago, vickieito said:

poor gaijin handwriting


34 minutes ago, luke975 said:

My thinking was that other Japanese learners can compare/learn how to write certain phrases.

Wouldn't they be more likely to search for an actual teacher?

34 minutes ago, luke975 said:

I think Japanese people who doesn't know of any foreingers would be interested.

Why would they want to pay to see how a foreigner writes their language poorly?


33 minutes ago, luke975 said:

I have no relevant skills

That's sort of like looking for a job without having any skills. Would you expect anyone to hire you?

34 minutes ago, luke975 said:

these gigs are the only ones I can think of that might be doable and profitable.

Doable, perhaps. But if there's no interest for these services, they're unlikely to be profitable.

Perhaps you could think about other things you know or could learn?

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I started this account so that I can try to have some income while my yt channel gets off of the ground (it hasnt) but now it looks like this was a pointless endeavor.

42 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Perhaps you could think about other things you know or could learn?

I am interested in the accordion, but much like any other skill I am too poor to do it. Solutions to the poor thing can't happen as I'm on a zero hour contract so I'm treated as employed while having the bare minimum income which is not enough to do anything.


Thanks for the suggestion but at this point I feel too poor to make this work. I'll probay continue on trying stuff on fiverr but at this rate, I feel really pessimistic.

Edited by luke975
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20 hours ago, luke975 said:

why did you focus on it being bad? I never put that in anywhere of the gig. It isn't ment to be bad.

Hi @luke975, sorry if I offended you. You advertised it as "writing Japanese as a foreigner would" and when I saw your other gig with the bad cat art, I assumed that was the advertising angle you were taking for both of your gigs. If you want to target fellow foreigners to swap writing samples, you'll need to mention that in your gig because I didn't pick that up from reading your gig description. 

20 hours ago, luke975 said:

Also in general about me, I have no relevant skills so these gigs are the only ones I can think of that might be doable and profitable.

19 hours ago, luke975 said:

I started this account so that I can try to have some income while my yt channel gets off of the ground (it hasnt) but now it looks like this was a pointless endeavor.

Don't give up on yourself so easily! You would be surprised how many skills that you do have that can make you money on Fiverr!

For example, you do YouTube videos, so can you offer video editing services? Or can you create a slideshow videos of pictures set to music?

Here are some things that I do, that you can probably do too:

1. Organize - I organize files for a client into folders (relabeling the titles with the names and dates and put them into their appropriate folders). 

2. Update - I update Word documents for my clients (policies, procedures, and other technical documents).

3. Data Entry - I enter data and information into spreadsheets.

4. Summarize - Many of my clients require me to read through legal agreements, grants, or surveys and summarize the data for them.

5. Read - I beta read author's books and share with them my thoughts and impressions that I had while I read their book.

6. Fix - I fix the sentences written by non-native English speakers so that they sound natural.

These skills may sound basic, but I'm earning a full-time income doing this, so people need these skills.

I started off like you - I couldn't think of any skills that I had. So I actually didn't create a gig for 2.5 years. However, once I found the skills that I had that buyers were willing to pay for, it didn't take long for me to start getting in orders. I hope the same is true for you too!

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On 7/18/2022 at 5:17 AM, vickieito said:

@luke975(I can't remove the @)example, you do YouTube videos, so can you offer video editing services? Or can you create a slideshow videos of pictures set to music?

The problem is that I don't want people to know my name yet after knowing what my yt channel as I'm not confitable about that yet (I'll have to include it as to show my skill and not even 3 figures subscriber wise is not impressive anyways)


Also I don't think I have any other skills that I know of (it is nearly midnight but even in the day time I can't figure out any) and so the reason why I'm pessimistic is because I know I don't have enough skill in anything else to even bother with making it a gig.


Also, sorry for the late reply, I got no notification and also assumed this was dead after my previous comments.

Edited by luke975
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On 7/18/2022 at 5:17 AM, vickieito said:

If you want to target fellow foreigners to swap writing samples, you'll need to mention that in your gig because I didn't pick that up from reading your gig description. 

I forgot to mention that I don't have a target audience and that is just who I thought might be interested. Again sorry if this is hard to read, I should be asleep.

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