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Rated as seller two downgrade the order receiving rate?


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Hello All,


I have one question I want you all reply to my post. 


I am rated seller two on fiverr and I am thankyou fpr that to Fiverr, But after becoming seller two I am getting any clients and new order. Is Fiverr dont promote you if you become seller two? Do any one knows how this Fiverr Algorithm works? I want more client and orders.


Please let me know Fiverr community people.




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1 hour ago, bethany_scraper said:

I have one question I want you all reply to my post. 

Wow 😅 haha sounds like a demand!

1 hour ago, bethany_scraper said:

But after becoming seller two I am getting any clients and new order. Is Fiverr dont promote you if you become seller two?

This initially sounded like a good thing.... Do you mean after getting to level two you're not getting any clients? 

Fiverr makes gigs with steady and consistent sales more visible than others, and that is not totally dependent on your level.

If you received poor public/private feedback on your gigs then it might affect your visibility as well.

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1 hour ago, bethany_scraper said:

Hello All,


I have one question I want you all reply to my post. 


I am rated seller two on fiverr and I am thankyou fpr that to Fiverr, But after becoming seller two I am getting any clients and new order. Is Fiverr dont promote you if you become seller two? Do any one knows how this Fiverr Algorithm works? I want more client and orders.


Please let me know Fiverr community people.




Bethany, not to be unkind, but if the grammar displayed in this post is indicative of how you communicate with clients, that could be part of the problem. For buyers of newbie and Level 1 services, price is all that matters, so buyers are willing to overlook a lot more, but as you move to Level 2 and eventually TRS, buyers expect a lot more, and the people you are competing against in those levels are offering it, in service, skills and communication. You claim that you are fluent in English, but your OP clearly contradicts that. 


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7 hours ago, bethany_scraper said:

seller two on fiverr

@bethany_scraperFirst of all, Seller two isn't a thing, that would be lvl 2 seller🙂
And yes, I have faced this specific situation before, I guess whn you are promoted, you are already connected with more buyer compared to a new seller:)
On my pov, giving your clients the best service & focusing on repeating clients are the most important factors as seller...

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Guest lloydsolutions
23 hours ago, bethany_scraper said:

But after becoming seller two I am getting any clients and new order.

This may be helpful to you: 


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Guest lloydsolutions
1 hour ago, rudra_dey said:


If you like something just use the emoji.

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